Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2019 Staying Overnight in the Suburbs (5)

At that moment, I hired a carriage and took them to Nong'an County in person.

The three of them, the master and the servant, had very few salutes and almost left the house cleanly. Miss Yanran only brought some things that her mother had left for them before she died. She didn't take anything from Dong's house. Therefore, only one car was more than enough to accommodate them.

While the car was driving in the market, Miss Yanran proposed to buy some sacrifices and go to her mother's tomb to worship her mother.

I knew that they lived under the control of Princess Chaoqing and must not have much money, so I used the money to help them buy the best incense candles, paper horses, and three kinds of fruits, and put them all on their cars.

Yanran's mother's grave is not in the Dong family's ancestral graveyard, because according to the rules, concubines are not eligible to enter the ancestral grave. She was only hastily buried at the foot of a hill near the ancestral grave. There was not even a tombstone, only a swollen tree on the grave. A half-dead sapling as a marker!

When the siblings saw how crude their mother's grave was, they both burst into tears. Yan Ran cried so hard that she almost fainted. She lay on her mother's grave and called "Mother" heartbroken. She cried so hard that she almost fainted. Helpless and pitiful, even I was moved and felt uncomfortable.

They stayed in the cemetery for a long time, and it was not until noon that they managed to hold back their tears and got into the car with the help of Granny Zhang.

After being delayed for so long, we must hurry up, otherwise we will not be able to enter the county seat of Nong'an County after dark.

After leaving Tongzhou Prefecture, we arrived in the suburbs. The roads were smooth and there were few cars passing by. The carriage carrying Yanran and the three people started running. Nong'an was about a hundred miles away from Tongzhou. If normal, the city gate would be closed before dark. , should be able to reach Dong'an County.

However, when the carriage had traveled more than twenty miles, Yanran's brother suddenly felt uncomfortable.

The little kid has been living a life of plenty and hunger in Dong's Mansion, and he has suffered the pain of losing his mother. He has been chirping. Today, when he was jolted by the carriage, his little body couldn't bear it, and he felt nauseous. Feeling dizzy again.

I quickly asked the coachman to slow down, opened the curtains, and let the wind blow into the carriage. Slowly, the little boy gradually got better. However, the car could no longer speed up. As soon as he walked fast, the little boy had a headache. Fainting and vomiting, extremely uncomfortable.

Stop-and-go like this, we only walked half the way when it got dark.

"We can't enter the city. It seems we can only spend tonight in the wild."

Looking at the completely dark sky, I simply asked the coachman to stop the car, unload the horses, and let the three of them sleep in the car. I also asked the coachman to find some hay nearby, and planned to spend the night outside to wait. Let's start our journey again at dawn.

Miss Yanran was very sorry to see that I had to sleep outside because of them. She took the initiative to help me collect hay and found a lot of dry branches and asked me to light a bonfire to keep warm.

The bonfire was lit, and the light gradually rose. Yanran took out a few cakes and eggs from the car and asked the driver and me to bake them outside.

Afraid that we would choke on the cakes and eggs, we went to the stream to get a pot of water, put it on the bonfire to boil, and made a pot of tea for us to drink.

The coachman was an honest old man. When he saw Yanran busy with me, he secretly said to me: "Young Master, I want you to be careful. This girl is definitely a virtuous and kind girl, and she will live in an IKEA home. Don't miss it, Master." Got it!"

My heart moved for no reason, and I subconsciously looked in the direction of Yanran. I saw her patiently making pancakes for her brother. Her lowered eyebrows and calm and quiet look were really heartwarming. !

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