Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2020 Gratitude Second Update (1)

It was late at night, and the dark sky was filled with shining stars, which looked particularly dazzling. A waning moon hangs diagonally in the sky. The pale moonlight is like a thin gauze, fluttering on the ground, blending with the light of our fire. The breeze blows, the flames of the bonfire dance, and occasionally make a "crackling" sound, hiding in the Grasshoppers and crickets in the grass chirped tirelessly, making this suburban night cheerful and vivid.

Ever since the coachman said those words, my heart has not been calm for a moment, and my ears are always surrounded by the old man's voice: "This girl is definitely a virtuous and kind lady, and she will live in an IKEA house. Don't miss it, sir." …. ’

Although I had never had such thoughts about her before, after what the old man said, I suddenly felt that what the old man said made sense.

Miss Yanran has the gentleness and thoughtfulness that a daughter should have, as well as the strong will and courage of a man. She is tough, smart, and has a maturity and stability that belies her age. At such a young age, she is faced with the vicious environment of a tiger and a wolf. Despite the heavy oppression of the waiter, he survived in such a difficult and dangerous environment, and he could still seize the opportunity to protect his younger brother and wet nurse from the den of tigers and wolves. Isn't this scheming and ability suitable for being the mistress of a big family?

And, most importantly, I am not repelled by her. Unlike those high-ranking girls mentioned by matchmakers in the past, she is natural, generous, and not pretentious at all. There seems to be nothing I dislike about her. On the contrary, her I really appreciate the way my new brother handles things...

It's just that our ages are very different. She is only thirteen or fourteen years old, while I am already twenty-three or fourteen years old. Perhaps, in her eyes, I am already very old!

I was thinking wildly, somehow I finished dinner. After dinner, I saw her taking her brother and Aunt Zhang back to the car and lowering the car curtain...

The night was getting deeper and deeper, because I kept thinking about the old coachman's words, so I didn't fall asleep. It was almost the second watch, and finally some tiredness came over me. I closed my eyes and prepared to fall asleep.

At this time, a faint sound of horse hoofs suddenly sounded in our ears. The sound of horse hoofs was still some distance away from us, but we could hear that those horses were running in our direction, and there were quite a few of them.

Who would be walking in the mountains and forests in the middle of the night?

I woke up with a start. Years of martial arts training have made my senses much more sensitive than ordinary people. For example, now, my intuition tells me that these people are coming for us, and they are not good!

I sat up quickly, picked up the sword beside me, got on the horse, and faced the horse's hooves.

I have to stop them before they get close. The sword has no eyes. It would be bad if I hurt them or scare them during the fight.

Therefore, I decided to deal with them before they got close, so as not to scare or hurt Yanran and the others.

The horse ran less than half a mile, and I finally saw the group of people coming. They were a group of rough and arrogant men, with dazzling swords stuck on their backs, which were particularly dazzling in the moonlight.

The leading man was a one-eyed dragon. He was riding at the front. When he saw me coming alone, he reined in his horse and said, "U----"

The horse stopped, and a dozen horses behind it also stopped. The men on the horses looked at me coldly, with unkind expressions on their faces.

"Boy, is your surname Mu?" The one-eyed dragon looked at me with disdain.

I nodded: "Since you know me, you probably came here for me. Did Princess Chaoqing send you to kill me?"

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