Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2021 Gratitude (2nd update)

"Haha, you are smart!"

Probably in the eyes of the one-eyed dragon, I was already dead, so he readily admitted: "Boy, learn to be smarter in your next life. A strong dragon will not overwhelm local cowards. If you act recklessly on other people's territory, who would I be?" I won’t let you go. "

Another man also said loudly: "Your status is too prominent. The eldest princess is afraid that keeping you will cause trouble in the future, so we ask our brothers to send you away. If you are smart, you can die a happy death. Remember to find the eldest daughter in your next life." The princess takes revenge, and we brothers are just following others' orders..."

"Lao Jiu, what are you talking about with him? Let's do it!"

Someone shouted impatiently: "After killing him, we still have to kill the little bitches and brats. Hurry up, it will be daybreak if you don't keep talking..."

When I heard that they were going to kill Yanran, the anger in my heart burst out. I quickly pulled out my sword and sneered, "Come on!"

This precious sword was given to me by my eldest sister when I was eighteen years old. It blows hair, cuts hair, and cuts iron like clay. I have always regretted that it has no use, but now I can finally kill with justifiable authority!

The men didn't know that their death was imminent. Taking advantage of the large number of people, they swarmed up and slashed at me with their swords, thinking that I would soon become the victim of their swords.

However, I am much faster than them. Before their swords fell, I stretched out my arms and the swords had already struck like lightning.

Suddenly, four or five bloody arms fell down, while the hand still held the knife. I waved the sword and swept the fallen arms aside to prevent the knife still in my hand from hurting me.

The big men whose arms were cut off were first shocked by this sudden scene, and then they screamed, fell off their horses madly, lay on the ground, rolled around and howled with their broken arms...

The blood and screams of the enemy failed to calm the anger in my heart. If I were unfortunately killed by them, wouldn't Yanran and her brother also die innocently because of these gangsters? These murderers and robbers, they all deserve to die!

The sword given to me by my eldest sister is very useful. When I cut it, the swords in the hands of the gangsters were like paper. They couldn't help but cut. Not counting their swords being cut off by me, they fell off their horses one after another. In less than a quarter of an hour, more than a dozen gangsters were lying on the ground, dead or injured, but no one had any sound limbs!

Some of the people who were alive fainted, and those who didn't faint were either wailing heart-brokenly for their lost limbs, or they were crying and shouting to beg me for mercy.

In the middle of the night, in this barren mountain, the howls of these men are really scary.

I didn't do everything right. Seeing that they were all disabled, I left the survivors alive, turned around, mounted my horse and left.

Yanran and the others were still in the carriage. I was worried that there would be wild beasts in the mountains and was concerned about their safety, so I hurried back.

When I went back, before I reached the place where everyone was camping, I saw a thin and petite figure in the distance, wandering there anxiously.

"Yanran, why did you come out?" I hit the horse and ran over, turned over and got off the horse.

Yanran looked at me, suddenly sniffed and said, "It smells so strong. Is it bleeding? What happened?"

It was dark now. Although she could see my general outline, she couldn't see the color of my body clearly. My body was covered with the blood of gangsters, so I had a strong smell of blood. It was blown away by the night wind. , she was quickly noticed.

I didn't lie to her. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. She is such a smart woman and cannot be easily fooled by others.

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