Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2022 Gratitude (2nd update) (3)

"Princess Chaoqing sent people to kill us, but I have already dealt with those killers. "

Speaking of tonight's assassination, I couldn't help but secretly rejoice at my decision. If I hadn't taken the Yanran sister and brother away, they might have met with misfortune right now. However, even though they had a lucky escape this time, there is no guarantee that they will not be plotted by Princess Chaoqing next time. For the long-term plan, the old woman Chaoqing cannot be kept.

I was thinking about it, and my eyes became dark. At this moment, a soft voice suddenly came from my ear: "Are you injured? Come with me to the fire, and I will help you take a look!"

I moved my arms and said with a smile, "I'm fine. It's okay. You don't have to worry about me."

However, Yanran was worried. When we returned to the campsite, she pulled me to the fire and looked at me carefully, looking very nervous.

In the firelight, she looked at me worriedly. She was only wearing a middle coat, and she didn't even have time to put on her bra. Her long hair was softly spread on her back, and she hadn't even had time to tie it into a bun.

Looking at her nervous little face, I felt warm in my heart, because I smiled and said: "Silly girl, I'm not an idiot. How could I not know that I was injured? Don't worry."

Seeing my repeated assurances, Yanran gradually felt relieved. She turned around and got into the carriage. After a while, she came out with a wet handkerchief. He half-knelt beside me, took a handkerchief and began to wipe my face.

I was startled by her action, and I froze and forgot to avoid it. But she didn't feel anything wrong at all and wiped it for me seriously, as if she was doing the most important thing in the world.

After wiping twice, her breathing suddenly stagnated. When I looked intently, Yanran's face was already filled with tears.

"What's wrong with you?" I was startled by her tears rolling down my face, and I held her cold little hand in desperation.

"I'm sorry... I caused you trouble. Not only did you turn against Dong Qi, but I almost died because of us..."

Her thin shoulders were shaking and she was out of breath from crying.

This weak look inadvertently touched my heart and made me feel sorry for her. In order to cheer her up, I coaxed her and said: "How can you say it's implicated? If it weren't for you, I might have been I was tricked by the Dong family, and I was about to marry their daughter. If I married such a woman by mistake, my life would be worse than death. So, not only did you not implicate me, you are also my benefactor. I just saved you. , it can be regarded as a favor in return, so you don’t need to be grateful to me, let alone feel guilty."

Yanran knew that I was trying to make her happy, so she sensibly wiped the tears on her cheeks and said, "Anyway, it was you who saved us. You not only saved us from the sea of ​​suffering, but also protected us from dying under the knife." , your kindness, my brother and I will never forget it. If one day our siblings have the ability to repay you, we will definitely do it..."

That night, Yanran never slept again. She forced me to take off my clothes, walked in the dark to the stream to wash my clothes, and dried them over a fire. When I woke up in the morning, I had a dry set. Neat clothes have been placed beside me, along with my sword.


Seeing that I woke up, Yanran hurriedly put down her hand and said, "Breakfast will be ready soon. You can sleep a little longer. I'll call you when breakfast is ready."

"Have you made breakfast?" I asked curiously.

I remember that all the cakes and eggs she brought yesterday were eaten by everyone. Where can I find breakfast now?


Yanran pointed to the ground and said shyly: "I picked some mushrooms and planned to wash them and bake them later. I remember when I lived in Beijing, your Bafu BBQ restaurant sold grilled mushrooms. They tasted delicious. , I just don’t know if I can make it."

I looked at the mushrooms on the ground and smiled immediately.

Fortunately I woke up early, otherwise if these mushrooms were eaten by this silly girl, her life would be over.

"These are poisonous mushrooms. You cannot eat them. You will die if you eat them."

I grew up in the countryside and have picked mushrooms countless times, so I am naturally familiar with the types of mushrooms. Unlike Yanran, a child who grew up in the city, she only knows the shape of mushrooms but knows nothing about the types of mushrooms.


Yanran was dumbfounded, with a cute look on her pretty little face, "These mushrooms are so beautiful, how could they be poisonous mushrooms?"

I squatted down, pointed at the mushrooms and told her that the more beautiful the mushrooms are, the more poisonous they are, and the more beautiful the mushrooms, the more poisonous they are. I also listed to her some stories I heard in Mujia Village when I was a child about people who died after eating poisonous mushrooms. example of.

Yanran listened very carefully, and at the end, she said to me enviously: "I didn't expect that you experienced such days in your childhood. It's so interesting!"

As she spoke, her expression darkened. Because her childhood was very miserable. When she was a child, she and her mother had been hidden in a small courtyard hidden from the light by Dong's concubine. They could not go out even once a year. Not only that, they had to live in fear every day, lest they If Princess Chaoqing found out, her life would be at risk!

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