Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 390: Crushing a scumbag relative (3)

By now, he must have returned to the queen's side and shouldered his responsibilities! I just don’t know if he is doing well now or if he still remembers her...

"Sister, what are you thinking about? Drink it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold. This tea is different from the ones we drink before. It's scented tea!"

Du Wanqiu urged, opening the lid of her cup and sniffing it, with a look of intoxication on her face.

Caiwei came back to her senses, smiled reluctantly, and gently opened the lid of the tea cup, ready to drink tea, but suddenly she saw the familiar scented tea in the cup!

The scented tea was elegant and fragrant, and each flower was a rare flower in the world. It was the same tea that she had picked for her mother and Fei'er to beautify her mother a few months ago, and was later sold to him by her mother for a hundred taels of silver.

But, how did it fall into Du Wanqiu's hands?

Caiwei was shocked and asked, "Where did you get this tea, sister?"

Hearing Caiwei's inquiry, Du Wanqiu said with a somewhat complicated expression: "The Empress gave it to cousin Ruizhu. Cousin Ruizhu is the direct daughter of the eldest aunt and the general who protects the country. The Emperor and the Empress intended to give Ruizhu the gift." Cousin Zhu pointed out that His Highness King Qin should be his concubine, so he was particularly fond of her and rewarded her with such a good scented tea.  "

"Oh, so that's it!"

Caiwei's heart sank. It turned out that his wife had already been chosen, and she was the daughter of the General Protecting the Country. Haha, the General Protecting the Country sounded really majestic. The daughter of the General Protecting the Country must be able to It will help him a lot to ascend to the big position!

She had no intention of drinking tea, her mind was filled with his shadow, and the scenes she spent with him flashed through her mind one by one like rewind.

They met for the first time in the snowy mountains, and they echoed the poems in Qingyun Town. She took a risk to save him and hid him in her boudoir. Later, he gradually fell in love with her and risked his life for her. Enmity with Saknu...

For her, he could risk his life, but he couldn't give her the marriage she wanted...


Caiwei smiled bitterly and retracted her thoughts. Since there was no possibility between them, it was useless to think about it. It was better to return to reality and finish the tea.

Her space has been initialized, and all those exotic flowers and plants have disappeared. It is rare for her to drink such good tea again. The opportunity must be missed and never come back. She must take the opportunity to drink more!

After finishing the cup of tea, Caiwei put down the cup and said, "It is indeed a good tea given by the Queen. It is really delicious."

Seeing this, Du Wanqiu hurriedly asked the girl to refill the teapot, poured another cup for Caiwei, and said apologetically: "My sister likes to drink this tea. Logically, I should have brought some of it back to my sister, but Rui The amount Cousin Zhu gave me was also very small. Counting this time, I only had two drinks in total, and then there was no more."

Speaking of this, a trace of cruelty flashed across Du Wanqiu's face.

The reason why Li Ruizhu gave her the tea was not because of his deep relationship with her as a sister, but because he was nakedly showing off to her, showing off her status in the queen's heart and showing off her dignity...

When they were still very young, when the sisters were secretly talking about themselves, she once revealed that the man she wanted to marry was the King of Qin. At that time, Ruizhu's father was still a powerful general, and the Li family was not much stronger than her in Anguo Mansion. Therefore, the two girls often got together and talked about each other behind others' backs.

That night, Ruizhu also revealed her feelings to her. Unexpectedly, the man Ruizhu liked was also the King of Qin. At that time, they also agreed with each other that they would imitate the ancient Ehuang Nvying. The two sisters would serve one husband together, no matter who married first. The King of Qin, the other one has to make the decision to let the other person enter the King of Qin's palace. The two sisters support and rely on each other regardless of their high status...

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