Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 391: Crushing a scumbag relative (4)

However, with the continuous promotion of General Li Kaifeng, the general's mansion also rose with the tide. Ruizhu's temperament gradually became more and more arrogant, and she always looked bossy and condescending in front of her, not to mention her childhood. The agreement was made, which made her angry, hateful and helpless. She secretly made up her mind that she must marry a better man than King Qin in the future and show her off!

But looking at the Jin Kingdom, the only ones who could compete with the King of Qin were the Crown Prince and Young Master Huo. The Crown Prince had already married the Crown Princess, and she didn’t want to get in there and make someone else’s mistress, so she had to focus on the unmarried Huo. On Yuan's body.

It's a pity that Huo Yuan already has this wild girl in his heart. Fortunately, they haven't got engaged or married yet. Therefore, she has to make a good plan to squeeze this wild girl out of her place and marry into the Huo family in her place!

Caiwei smiled and said, "It's just a little tea. Sister, don't blame yourself. I just don't know why you called me here tonight."

Du Wanqiu smiled sweetly and said: "It's a great thing that my sister asked you to come. In five days, it will be the annual Shangsi Festival. Every year on this day, the Queen will entertain the families of important officials in the imperial garden. The unmarried children and daughters all gather together to perform their talents, or drink and talk and laugh. The scene is spectacular and joyful. It is a gathering that many young gentlemen and young ladies dream of. We, the Duke of Anguo, are also lucky enough to get a quota. Sister, because I miss you. I grew up in the countryside and haven't seen much of the world. I'm so pitiful. I want to take you to the palace to see the world, are you willing?"

Depend on it!

Caiwei rolled her eyes, of course she--wouldn't want to

Du Wanqiu had already said that there was only one place in Anguo Duke's mansion, so if she went with Du Wanqiu, wouldn't she have to go as a maid? She had no interest in the palace, so even if he gave her an invitation and asked her to enter in a grand manner, she would not do it. She didn't want to, not to mention she still had to dress up as Du Wanqiu's girl. Moreover, that person would definitely go to the annual Shangsi Festival. She finally broke his mind. If she took the initiative to get together again, what if she met him? He might cause some trouble.

Thinking of this, she said calmly: "Thank you sister for your kindness. It's just that my sister is really not good at playing the role of a girl, and the restaurant at home has just started to get on the right track, so I can't stay away from it all the time. I'm afraid I will live up to my sister's kindness and can't go there." !"

Du Wanqiu didn't expect that she would express her dissatisfaction directly. She was embarrassed and said softly: "Sister, don't worry about it. I don't mean to look down on my sister. Although it is inappropriate for my sister to dress up as a girl, I also want to "Look, there are really not many opportunities for my sister to go into the palace and see it. If you miss this time, you may have to wait until the next time. Maybe you will never have the chance in this life, so I came up with this strategy."

Caiwei said coldly: "For some people, entering the palace is a rare opportunity, but for me, it is a kind of torture. I was annoyed by the artificial scenes, not to mention there are a lot of things at home. Waiting for me, how can I have the leisure time to watch those noble brothers and sisters reciting poems and composing poems? So I can't stop going."

She refused simply and neatly, leaving no room for change. Du Wanqiu had no choice but to do so. But from this look, Ruizhu's wishful thinking was probably going to come to nothing.

Two days ago, when Ruizhu's cousin sent someone to deliver tea to the palace, she specifically asked her to bring her country cousin Mu Caiwei with her when she entered the palace.

Although she didn't know where Ruizhu knew about Mu Caiwei, or why Ruizhu was interested in Mu Caiwei, Ruizhu always told the truth, and she could only obey her orders and didn't dare to Too many questions.

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