Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 802 Mayfair’s concerns (2)

"Fei'er, my sister gave you a birthday gift, do you like it?" "

In the brocade box, pieces of exquisitely crafted and priceless diamond jewelry exuded brilliant brilliance against the backdrop of red velvet. Feier was stunned to see it. She covered her mouth and said in disbelief: "Sister, this is for you." mine?"

"Well, put it on quickly and let my sister see if it looks good.   "

Caiwei looked at her sister lovingly, stood up, took the tulip-shaped diamond hairpin, and personally tied it on her temples.

Feier's appearance is very similar to Caiwei's, and she is also an extremely beautiful woman. Now she wears this set of exquisite and unparalleled jewelry to accentuate her beautiful face.


Feier touched the hairpin on her head and said movedly: "Feier is still young and doesn't need such good jewelry. It's better for the eldest sister to keep it for herself.  "

Caiwei smiled and said, "Just keep what my sister gave you. Whatever happens in the future, at least you have a set of jewelry that you can use, and you won't be underestimated by others. Besides, when Fei'er grows up in the future, Yes, it would be very honorable to keep it as a dowry."

Mayfair's face turned red and she lowered her head with a shy expression.

Caiwei smiled and took out all the bracelets, earrings, hairpins, rings, necklaces, and handbags from the brocade box, and helped Fei'er put them on. Finally, she took a few steps back and looked at them carefully. After a while, Feier said in admiration: "My Feier is really a beauty. To this day, I have never seen a girl who is prettier than Feier!"

Huanqiu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "The second lady's appearance is similar to that of the eldest lady. You two are equally beautiful."

Hearing this, the two sisters looked at each other and smiled warmly.

The lunch was very cozy, with four dishes and one soup, a combination of meat and vegetables. It was more than enough for three people, with no waste or leftover.

During the meal, Fei'er asked her sister about her situation after going out, but Caiwei was vague and prevaricated. Fei'er is a smart person. When she saw her sister's attitude, she knew that her sister was unwilling to talk to her about her situation outside. , then changed the topic and talked about learning embroidery.

"Sister, my craftsmanship has improved more and more now. Even my grandma said I am a good embroiderer."

Caiwei said as she handed over a purse she had embroidered, "If you don't believe me, take a look."

Caiwei took the purse and saw it was a sky-blue Ruyi-shaped purse. The pattern embroidered on it was of koi carp playing with lotus. The red and white koi carps were playing in the green lotus leaves. A slender and soft purse was in bud. When it was released, it was so lifelike that Caiwei, who knew nothing about embroidery, was deeply attracted after seeing it. It looked like a living thing, and it seemed that it could smell the faint fragrance of lotus.

"Fei'er, your embroidery skills have improved by leaps and bounds." Caiwei held the delicate purse and admired her heartily.

When Fei'er heard her sister's compliment, she smiled so much that her eyes narrowed. Said: "The eldest sister said she wanted to learn embroidery from me that day, but she stopped learning after only one day. This attitude of giving up halfway is not good. How about I continue to teach the eldest sister tonight?"

After she said this, Caiwei suddenly remembered that that day she had promised to embroider a purse for Huo Yuan, but right now, she was busy doing experiments on burning glass, so how could she have time to make Lao Shizi's purse? Woolen cloth?

Caiwei held the purse in her hand and became annoyed. Seeing her sister looking worried, Caifei couldn't help but ask again: "Sister, do you want to learn embroidery from me?"

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