Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 803 Mayfair’s concerns (3)

Caiwei came to her senses and said with a smile: "No, sister doesn't have time to do these small jobs, so forget it. If you have time, use this money to help sister embroider another one!" She said in her mouth Then he handed the purse in his hand to Caifei.

Fei'er smiled and said, "Since that's the case, I'll give this purse to my eldest sister. I'll embroider another one tomorrow."

Caiwei put the purse back into her sleeve with a smile. She was going to pick up Shenxing later in the afternoon, so she happened to use this purse to repay Huo Yuan's favor.

After lunch, Caiwei and Feier put on their hat curtains and prepared to leave Juford.

When going downstairs to settle accounts, a fat drunk man happened to walk over. When he passed by Mayfair, he suddenly stretched out his hand and lifted off Mayfair's gauze hat.

Fei'er was startled and exclaimed, her face turned pale with fright.

At this time, Caiwei was paying money at the counter, while Huanqiu was waiting aside with a few jewelry boxes. She didn't expect this drunkard to take advantage of this loophole and do this in broad daylight.

The drunk man took off Mayfair's hat. After seeing Mayfair's beautiful face, he grinned "hehehe" and stretched his hand to Mayfair's chin.

"Little beauty, let me have a few drinks with you... Ouch..."

Before the drunkard's hand touched Fei'er's chin, Huanqiu flew up and kicked the drunkard hard on the face. The drunkard screamed and fell backward suddenly.

"Oh, Mr. Ji, you, what are you, oh, please come quickly..."

When the shopkeeper saw the drunkard being kicked to the ground, he didn't even care about the account. He ran out from behind the counter in a panic, shouting as he ran: "Come on, Mr. Ji has been kicked by someone." beated…."

With just such a voice, the whole Juford was in chaos. I heard a burst of running upstairs, and seven or eight big-bodied men came out. They did not run up the stairs, but jumped down from the second floor in a menacing manner. They rushed straight to Caiwei and others.

When Caiwei heard Feier's scream, she had already flashed over. Seeing that Huanqiu had already taken action, she picked up Feier's hat curtain, helped her put it on, and comforted her softly. , but saw those men rushing over with evil expressions.

She calmly took the jewelry box from Huanqiu's hand, handed it to Fei'er, and asked her to hide aside. She snorted coldly and walked towards the muscular men.

Over the past few days, she has been practicing internal skills and mental methods, and she thinks she has made great progress. She was worried that she had no place to try her true skills, but they happened to bump into each other. Since they were looking for death, she didn't mind Fulfill them!

Caiwei rushed over and punched the leading Chinese character in the stomach. There was a muffled sound, and the man flew backwards in a bent-over position, hitting the two men behind him who were rushing forward. On top of the man, several men suddenly fell to the ground.

In fact, when Caiwei took action, the man also took action, but his movements were not as fast as Caiwei's. Before his fist fell, he was already hit by her fist with seven points of internal strength. The soft fist hit his stomach, but it was like being hit by a heavy weight. The pain made his internal organs feel as if they were crushed, and his face turned green. The tall and powerful man actually covered his head. My stomach growled.

Huanqiu didn't show any weakness, she pulled out the soft whip from her waist and whipped it towards the group of men like lightning. She struck quickly and hard, specifically hitting the face. When the whip went down, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the bones were directly visible. .

Caiwei and Huanqiu joined forces, and these men who fought with only brute strength were no match for them. In just three strokes, they were knocked down to the ground, unable to get up.

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