Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 808 Expensive Rouge (3)


As soon as Feier saw Caiwei, she stood up quickly and greeted her with a smile.

Caiwei looked at the jewelry on her dressing table and said with a smile: "Hey, look, our Feier has become a little rich woman. With these things, no matter which family she marries to in the future, They will all look down upon us, Fei'er, and they will never dare to make us angry."

Fei'er's face turned red and she lowered her head and said, "Look what the eldest sister said, there is order between elder and younger. Even if someone in our family wants to get married, it should be the eldest sister who gets married first. I'm just keeping these things temporarily." , when the eldest sister gets married, I will take out all these things to add makeup to the eldest sister!"

Caiwei smiled, and like a magic trick, she took out another gold-inlaid phoenix and crested hairpin from her arms, and said, "Since these things are given to you, they are yours. Take this one too." Go!"

Fei'er took the exquisite crested hairpin and said, "Eldest sister just gave me a set of precious diamond hairpins. Why are you giving me this one again? It's too much. I'd better keep this for my sister to wear!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "Just take it, it's not worth much. "

Mayfair took the hairpin, looked at it carefully, and said, "This hairpin is made with fine workmanship, and the ruby ​​on it is very transparent. You can tell it is an expensive thing. Why did my sister say it is not valuable?" ?"

Caiwei said: "This hairpin is a second-hand product. It was originally worn by a noble lady. Her natal family was wealthy and she gave her a lot of dowry. Unfortunately, her husband was a doting concubine and a wife-killer." , took away all the lady’s headgear and jewelry and gave them to his concubine, who then gave them to his mother. Her mother felt that she was not worthy of wearing such valuable items, so she hurried to the pawn shop to pawn them. I happened to see it, so I redeemed it and kept it for my sister to wear."

When Feier heard this, the smile on her face froze a little. She took the crested hairpin and sighed faintly: "Since ancient times, passionate women have been ruthless. I pitied the lady who happily prepared so many dowries." , but ended up like this in the end..."

As he spoke, he placed the hairpin on the side of the dressing table, seeming to have lost interest in the delicate gold hairpin.

Caiwei picked up the gold hairpin, played with it in her hand, and said with a smile: "It's nothing pitiful. It's to be expected. She is the daughter of a wealthy businessman, and she wants to marry a prince just because her family has a little money." Although she was lucky enough to get what she wanted, was the prince's family so kind to her? Her mother-in-law and all the sisters-in-law looked down upon her origins, and even the concubines did not take her seriously. Over time, her husband naturally didn't like her anymore. It's a pity that the dowry that her parents worked so hard to save for her ended up being advantageous to the concubines' parents' families!"

After saying that, he laughed again: "It's an advantage for you and me. Such a good hairpin only cost one hundred and eighty taels of silver, haha..."

Fei'er also smiled with her, but her smile was a little cracked. Caiwei said a few more words to her and then went back to her room.

Mayfair is smart, she will definitely be able to figure it out after she said this...

After returning to her room, Caiwei entered the space and continued to study her glass-making method. In fact, the glass she made now was also very good, and taking out just one piece would be enough to shock the world.

However, she is a person who pursues perfection, and those glasses with a small number of bubbles in the middle always make her annoyed. Therefore, she will not consider herself successful unless the bubble problem is solved!

These days, she has been busy by herself. Today, Changmei is back, so he can lend a hand and help her. In this way, one is responsible for lighting the fire and the other is responsible for making, making it much easier to cooperate!

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