Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 809 Expensive Rouge (4)

Here, Caiwei's experiment is in full swing, and over there, news about the parrot has come.

"Master, we found Du Yuheng!"

"Where is he?" Caiwei gritted her teeth.

"Oh, I'm at the Lotus Champs in Duke An's palace. I'm accompanying Duke An to meet guests. Someone from the palace has come to ask for the daughter of the Du family to marry the Duke of Wuchang..."

The parrot talked about what he saw, and Caiwei was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped!

Duke An Guo's Mansion had just finished the funeral and was still in the mood for mourning, but Concubine Jin sent someone to propose marriage. She must have looked down upon Duke An Guo's Mansion!

At this moment, the atmosphere in Duke An Guo's mansion was extremely awkward.

Duke An Guo, Du Ruhai, and his eldest son, Du Yongzhi, were greeting Li Hai, the eunuch in Concubine Jin's palace, with forced smiles. Although they did not dare to look coldly at Concubine Jin's people, they were awkward from the father and son. His behavior and the meaning behind his words all showed that the Du family did not want this marriage.

Jin Dapeng has been castrated. This is a well-known fact. Although An Guogong has been marrying girls for glory, he is not shameless enough to openly marry his daughter to a eunuch as a stepmother. If Du Wanqiu marries Jin Dapeng, she can't give birth to any heirs, and she can't help Anguo Duke's government consolidate its position. Not only will it make the dignitaries in the capital laugh at her, Anguo Duke's government can't afford to lose this person!

Furthermore, although the elder brother does not have to serve three years of filial piety after his death, he has to wait three months before mentioning the matter again. The Marquis of Wuchang mentions this matter now, probably because he underestimates Anguo Gongfu too much!

Li Hai, the eunuch of Sijin Palace, sat calmly on the seat next to An Guogong, with his orchid fingers raised, he slowly plucked the tea leaves floating in the teacup, ignoring the bitter expressions of Du Ruhai and his son.

"Haha, it's not good for the imperial concubine to come to propose marriage just after something happened in the house. But things are based on interests. The Marquis of Wuchang is really not doing well these days. The wound is inflamed and the high fever is not going away. Yesterday, he was possessed by a demon. She insisted on killing people with a knife and wounded several aunts who were waiting around her. The imperial concubine felt sorry for her brother and was afraid that something would go wrong, so she wanted to marry him a wife. By chance, she heard about our Lord Marquis. I once went to the palace to propose marriage, and got the old man's consent, so I sent the Za family to ask if the old man had no objection, let's settle the matter as soon as possible!"

Du Yongzhi rubbed his hands, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and said with embarrassment: "Eunuch Li, you see, uh, the Marquis of Wuchang is already... already, that... how can he still marry a wife?" "


As soon as Du Yongzhi finished speaking, Li Hai's face changed color in vain. He put the cup on the case gently, squinting and sneered: "Why, Mr. Du looks down on this loser of the Za family? Or is it the Duke of Anguo's house?" Did your young lady get married because of this or that?"

"Uh no no no no no...father-in-law misunderstood!"

When Du Yongzhi saw Li Hai's face changed, he was so frightened that he waved his hands repeatedly and kept explaining: "What the official means is that Quanzi's family has just died less than a hundred days ago. If the official wants to marry his daughter in a hurry, he will definitely get sick." Damn it, if the imperial censor impeaches the lower official to the Holy Master, the lower official will just have to walk away without any consequences!"

Li Haipi said with a smile: "Master Du is afraid of your Majesty's punishment. This is understandable. But have you ever thought about it? If you offend Concubine Jin, you will have to walk around without food."

When Du Yongbang heard this, he immediately became anxious. He didn't care if the daughter of the eldest family married someone with no roots. He only cared about whether his family's interests would be harmed. When he saw Li Hai looking like he was about to get angry, he was extremely anxious. He was furious, coughed a few times regardless, and kept winking at his father.

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