Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 821 Nangong Yu and Luo Xue (4)

"you are human!"

Nangong Yu followed Luoxue's eyes and saw Caiwei's shadow on the ground, and her heart dropped.

As long as it's a human being, as long as it's not a ghost, she won't be afraid!

"Everyone, come with me!"

Caiwei glanced at them, signaled to the soldiers guarding the door with her eyes, and turned to go deeper into the camp.

The two soldiers guarding the door received the princess's order and immediately moved their spears in one place to indicate that they could enter.

Luoxue and Chaoyang were startled for a moment, then followed her into the camp. Along the way, passing soldiers kept saluting Caiwei and calling her "Princess" respectfully.

Caiwei always nodded kindly to everyone and took the trouble to ask about the soldiers' injuries. Therefore, the three of them walked for a long time before walking back to the military tent.

Luoxue saw that Caiwei was as free and at home in the camp, and seemed to be very popular, she couldn't help but feel angry, hateful, and jealous!

This country bumpkin woman has no family background, no cultivation, but her skin is slightly prettier than others. She dares to be so presumptuous, and can even give orders in the camp, not because the King of Qin is supporting her.

If King Qin doesn't favor her anymore, who is she?

Luoxue clenched her fists and tried her best to hide her emotions in her heart, otherwise people would see her jealousy. She even asked Chaoyang to sit down with a slight smile, and asked casually: "Dare you ask Miss Mu?" , how did you escape from the tiger's mouth in the first place? How did you get to Lingbei?"

Logically speaking, if the master has not spoken, the slave cannot speak. Moreover, how could Luoxue, who has been in the palace for many years, not understand this rule? The reason why she said this was clearly because she didn't take Caiwei seriously, or she was trying to give Caiwei some authority.

How could Caiwei spoil her? She didn't even look at her, let alone answer her questions. She just said lightly to Chaoyang: "Princess, you have worked hard all the way. Please rest here for a while." I'll have someone clean up your camp for you."

Before Nangong Yu could say anything, Luoxue rushed to say, "No need to work so hard, it's just fine here. We can just live in this tent!"

Along the way, Nangong Yu has become accustomed to relying on Luo Xue and obeying Luo Xue's words. Therefore, when she heard what Luo Xue said, she didn't think much about it. She nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, just listen to Sister Luo Xue and live here." Bar!"

Caiwei glanced at Luoxue playfully and sneered, her smile meaningful.

She could clearly see what Luoxue was thinking. This woman, still hating her, actually wanted to use Chaoyang's hand to play dirty tricks with her. Now, if she didn't let Chaoyang live here, she would have an excuse to ask Nangong Yi He complained that she had bullied and treated his sister harshly; if she agreed to Chaoyang living here, then she would have to live in an ordinary soldier's tent. Although it was okay to live in a soldier's tent, she was living in space anyway, but she I don’t want to spoil them!

Caiwei glanced at Luoxue, who looked provocative, raised the corners of her lips, and said with a smile: "That's fine, the princess can stay with me for the time being. She just has to be embarrassed to squeeze in with me. As for your maid, she will sleep in The ground is fine."

Luoxue's expression suddenly froze. This dead woman dared to call her a maid and let her sleep on the ground. Although she was indeed a maid now, she was not an ordinary maid, but the most trusted maid of the queen and princess. In the past, in the capital, many ladies and ladies from noble families wanted to please her, and they all called her "Luoxue Girl". However, this country girl didn't want to please her, but she actually treated her like this, even letting her sleep on the ground!

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