Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 822 Nangong Yu and Luo Xue (5)

She smiled reluctantly and said: "The princess has been accompanied by me all the way. She is inseparable. She can't sleep without me, so..."

"So Miss Luoxue wants me to sleep on the floor and make the big bed available to you?"

Caiwei spoke very straightforwardly, with a faint smile on her face, but the smile was sarcastic, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Nangong Yu suddenly seemed embarrassed when she said this. After being defiled by Saknu, getting married, and running away, her temperament had changed a lot. She was no longer as ignorant, fearless, and unruly and willful as before. In fact, her nature is not bad, it’s just that she wasn’t properly introduced to her while growing up!

"Sister Luoxue..."

She glanced at Luoxue awkwardly, wanting to express her thoughts.

Although she doesn't like Mu Caiwei either, whether she is willing to accept it or not, Mu Caiwei is her brother's favorite person. For her, her brother once slapped her in public; for her, her brother traveled thousands of miles, She came here to fight regardless of hardships; for her, her brother did not hesitate to break up with the general who protected the country and destroy the Great Wall.

Therefore, whether she is willing or not, she must accept Mu Caiwei. If she guessed correctly, her brother will definitely marry this woman as his concubine in the future. This woman will most likely be her future sister-in-law, so she must Find ways to improve the relationship between them without causing any new unhappiness between them.

However, before Nangong Yu could finish speaking, Luoxue had already spoken.

"Miss Mu, our princess is in the situation we are in today because you cheated your death and escaped from marriage, causing our princess to marry for you. Now I am asking you to free up a bed. Even if you are asked to do anything, you can do it." You shouldn't push her away. Now that you are so obstructive, is it because you see our princess has lost and don't take her seriously?"

Caiwei sighed in her heart. It had to be said that Luoxue was really very scheming, and her methods of sowing dissension were also quite clever. It was clearly Chaoyang who drugged her first, causing her to almost lose her life. When she said this later, it turned out that she was the one who harmed Chaoyang.

If now, she talks about what was right and wrong before, she and Chaoyang will definitely be at odds with each other. She doesn't care about her relationship with Chaoyang, but Chaoyang is his sister, and she doesn't want Nangong Yi to have to be with her at the same time. Fighting on the front line, she had to worry about such trivial things between women, so she smiled sternly at Princess Chaoyang and asked, "Princess Chaoyang, what do you think?"

Caiwei has made up her mind. If Princess Chaoyang wants to make things difficult for her and bully her like her slaves, she will never show mercy. She must teach her a lesson to let her know how powerful she is, so as to avoid looking for her in the future. trouble!

To her surprise, Princess Chaoyang didn't speak to Luoxue, and could only say: "Sister Luoxue, don't mention the past anymore, please ask Miss Mu to arrange another tent for me and Sister Luoxue!" "

Luoxue hurriedly said: "Princess, how can this be done? You are the proud daughter of heaven, how can you live in those simple tents? If you want to live in it, it must be those people of humble origins!"

Caiwei smiled and said, "That makes sense. In the whole camp, everyone is a good citizen. Only Miss Luoxue has the humblest status and is a slave. Why don't we just ask Miss Luoxue to live in those simple tents by herself? Princess. Just give it to me."

After saying that, without giving them a chance to speak, he shouted directly outside: "Here comes someone!"

The soldiers guarding the tent immediately walked in, cupped their hands and said, "What orders does the princess have?"

"Take Miss Luoxue down and prepare a tent for her to live in!"


The soldier agreed and retreated.

Luoxue was angry and embarrassed, her face turned red. She pursed her lips and stared at Caiwei with dark eyes, wishing to tear her apart.

Her expression was seen by Caiwei, and she laughed sarcastically: "What? Miss Luoxue is not satisfied with my arrangement? Didn't you say you want to live in a simple tent?"

Nangong Yu coughed and said, "Miss Mu, why don't we let Sister Luoxue live in our tent? It won't be cold if we spread it thickly on the ground at night."

Caiwei glanced sideways at Luoxue, who had a stiff face, and asked without a smile, "What do you think, Miss Luoxue?"

Luoxue clenched her fists and managed to remain calm. It took a while before she made a sound.

"That's fine!"

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