Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 830 Teaching the art of making glass (2)

Three years later, the request to perform the 'daughter ceremony' again was accepted by the Mengnu people. Although the Mengnu people did not understand why the Jin people had to focus on the daughter ceremony of their nation, they heard that the daughter ceremony has not been abolished and the things left by their ancestors The rules are still there, but they were implemented three years late. It does no harm to them, so they all agreed!

Caiwei also had her own plan. Originally, she wanted to abolish the cruel and bloody residual feudal system of Mengnu at once. But when she saw the indignant and passionate expressions of the Mengnu people, she suddenly understood a truth. Development and progress are not accomplished overnight, but must go through a step-by-step process. She was too impatient, forgot the inevitable laws of historical development, and blindly demanded to achieve her expected goals. In this way, she might not Arousing strong popular resistance among the people may make the Monnus change their minds about surrendering.

Therefore, she will use the three-year agreement to first stabilize the mood of the Mengnu people, and then use a step-by-step method to gradually dilute the Mengnu people's impression of Nerli, and slowly eliminate Nerli's impression of Nerli. The indispensable sacred meaning in their hearts!

After signing the letter of surrender, Nangong Yi immediately sent a letter eight hundred miles back to the Jin Dynasty to report the news, and decided to set off ten days later to bring Tuoba Kui back to the Jin Dynasty to meet Emperor Jin Ming.

Caiwei was naturally happy when everything went smoothly. The next day, she showed her true colors and decided to open a glass factory with Tuoba Kui.

The glass factory was jointly owned by her and Tuoba Kui. She provided the glass-making technology free of charge, and Tuoba Kui provided the raw materials and workers. She would buy the glass fired by Tuoba Kui at one tael of silver per piece. However, The two parties must sign a contract. The glass fired by Tuoba Kui can only be purchased by Caiwei and cannot be sold to others without authorization. If he sells the glass to others without authorization, Caiwei will find another partner. At that time, the technology of burning glass will be If it spreads, as long as there are raw materials, anyone can make glass. Then they will have no money to earn as slaves, and they will have to go back to the nomadic days of the past!

Everything has been settled, and Caiwei is going to start teaching the Mengnu people the skill of making glass.

Nangong Yi seemed very worried about this. Caiwei is very beautiful, the kind that makes people stunned at first glance. Compared with those tough and ugly Mengnu women, she is completely different. Therefore, let her teach a group of rough girls alone. He could not trust the craftsmanship of the great masters no matter what.

Therefore, when Caiwei taught everyone the skill of making glass on the first day, Nangong Yi showed up on time in the glass-making shed. The shed was a simple temporary shed built in order not to be affected by the wind when dissolving quartz stone and natural soda. The fire is so strong that the process of burning glass can only be done in a shed!

When Nangong Yi walked into the shed and saw a large group of big, muscular men surrounding his little girl, he felt bad!

The group of Mengnu men were very vulgar. Because there was a fire burning in the stove and the temperature in the shed was very high, many Mengnu men were shirtless. There were also a few men who were not only shirtless but also wearing shorts, exposing most of their bodies. His body was so bright and white surrounding his little girl, and he had evil intentions at first glance!

In fact, Nangong Yi really wronged these craftsmen. The fact that Caiwei is a witch is already known to everyone in the royal city of Mengnu. In Mengnu, people are in great awe of wizards, and magic like Caiwei is The powerful wizard made them even more frightened by the news. It was too late to hide from her, so how could they have the courage to be ill-intentioned towards her?

"Hey, it's really lively here!"

Nangong Yi walked in with his hands behind his back, a smile in his lazy voice, but the smile on his face looked like it was engraved on it.

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