Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 831 Teaching the art of making glass (3)

When Caiwei heard that familiar voice, she raised her head and nodded slightly: "Well, you're here!"

At this moment, she was wearing a sky-blue short waist-length skirt embroidered with ink bamboo. She rolled up her sleeves, revealing half of her tender lotus-root-like jade arms. Underneath was an ivory-colored moonlight skirt that just barely reached her feet. It was simple and unpretentious. , concise and capable. At this time, she was talking to several craftsmen about the control of fire and the ratio of two kinds of ores. She was talking vividly and was so involved that when she saw Nangong Yi coming, she just nodded and said hello, and then lowered her head. Let’s talk about things you need to pay attention to when melting two types of ores!

Nangong Yi was so panicked when he saw her surrounded by a group of smelly men. When he received the cold treatment from her, he felt even more aggrieved. He couldn't even maintain the false smile on his face. He turned around with a dark face. Bu came over, squeezed away the craftsman closest to him, and stayed by her side.

He is an ancient, and has the same thinking pattern as the ancients, conservative and feudal. When he saw his woman surrounded by those half-naked men, his heart felt like a ball was blocked, and he felt so aggrieved that he wanted to be put on the spot. Get mad.

However, he didn't dare. If he did that, it would be strange if Xiao Nizi didn't fall out with him.

Caiwei was teaching everyone the art of burning glass. When she saw him suddenly pushing over, she was surprised and said, "What are you doing here? Go back quickly. It's so dirty. Don't get your clothes dirty when you turn around!"

Nangong Yi glanced at the Mengnu craftsmen coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "I know you're still here, come back with me."

Caiwei glanced at him and said, "Didn't you see that I was busy? Where can I go? Besides, am I the kind of person who is afraid of getting dirty and tired?"

Then he called to several nearby craftsmen, "Now we can seal the fire. Come and help us, pour the melted liquid into the mold, be careful to scald it..."

When several big men heard Caiwei's words, they immediately gathered around, carefully lifted the iron pot on the stove, and walked towards the mold.

Caiwei followed them, telling them to be careful and instructing them on how to pour liquid into the mold without spilling the liquid.

Nangong Yi was ignored again, and his handsome face was suddenly so dark that he could drip water. He looked at his woman with a sullen face, standing calmly among a group of shirtless Monument men, half-naked to the group of men. Her body turned a blind eye, especially when pouring the melted liquid, she actually squeezed into a few big men, their bodies almost touching each other.

Nangong Yi's face turned green with anger. He couldn't care less about being graceful and walked towards the shed.

Caiwei was squatting on the ground telling everyone how to pour glass liquid and how to make the glass smooth and seamless, when she was suddenly shrouded in a shadow. She almost raised her head and saw the man's stinking face.

"Nangong Yi, what's wrong with you?"

She asked something unknown.

This man looked like a warm spring breeze when he came in just now, but in the blink of an eye, he looked like someone owed him 800 yuan. It was really inexplicable.

"Come with me!"

Nangong Yi bent down, took her hand and walked outside.

"Hey, Nangong Yi, I haven't finished speaking yet. Hey...where are you taking me?"

Nangong Yi felt like the wind was blowing under his feet, not allowing Caiwei to resist. He grabbed her wrist and walked a long way before stopping.

Caiwei is a smart and transparent woman. She quickly figured out why men would be angry. In her eyes, it is nothing for men to have contact with women. But he is different. He is an ancient and knows that he has received a feudal-like education. In his mind, he does not allow his woman to be so close to another man, especially if the other man is a half-naked man!

Facing the man's cold eyes, Caiwei rolled her eyes inwardly, but on the surface she still smiled knowingly, quickly organized her words, and tried to explain to him what just happened, "Hey, Nangong Yi... ."

"Listen, no more going to the shed!"

Nangong Yi interrupted her rudely, with a cold look on Jun's face.

Caiwei rubbed her brows and said distressedly: "Nangong Yi, you are too jealous. If you don't let me enter the shed, who will teach these craftsmen how to make glass? The craftsmen don't know how to make glass. Tribute from the Jin Dynasty? If there is no tribute, how can Meng Nu be considered as surrendering to our Jin Dynasty? Isn't your battle..."

"I'll teach!"

The man interrupted her and said solemnly: "Teach me the art of burning glass, and I will teach them!"

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