Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 841 Escape from the wolf den (3)


Concubine Jin was furious, her two phoenix eyes suddenly stood up, and Nong Li's face suddenly burst out with a cold and sharp look. She slapped the table and said angrily: "Thank you for trusting me so much. You can't even get a wife. In this case, what else do I want you to do?"

When Sun Maotai heard this, his face turned pale with fright. He knelt down with a bang and kowtowed with a loud bang.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. My Majesty, please give me another chance. I will definitely fulfill my mission..."

Concubine Jin gritted her teeth and said sternly: "Go away, if you are useless like this, I will never let you go!"

Sun Maotai kowtowed and ran away crawling. Seeing that Concubine Jin was angry, Li Shanggong hurriedly stepped forward to caress her breasts to calm her down, and said in a soft voice: "My Lady, don't worry, we still have a card in our hand?"

Concubine Jin said: "If you do the math, Mu Caiwei has been gone for twenty days. She will be almost at Lingbei, right?"

Li Shanggong said: "That's right. As long as Mu Caiwei reaches Lingbei, she will definitely try to kill King Qin. By then, even if King Qin has made great military achievements, what's the use of losing his life?"

"Hey, King Qin has always been cunning, how can he be killed so easily? Over the years, I can't remember how many groups of people I sent to kill him. I thought it would succeed every time, but in fact, he escaped every time. Well, let’s talk about this Northern Expedition. I planted more than a dozen nails around him, but he pulled them all out, and I even sent his head back... This time, it may not be possible. Success!"

Concubine Jin rubbed her eyebrows as she spoke, with a sad look on her face.

Li Shanggong said softly: "Although the people arranged by your Majesty in the past were all experts, King Qin has always been cautious and there are many experts around him. It is understandable that we failed. Only this time, Mu Caiwei is King Qin's beloved woman. He will definitely not set up defenses against her, so I feel that Mu Caiwei has a high chance of success. The lives of her family are in the hands of the empress, so I don’t dare to fail!"

After hearing her consolation, Concubine Jin felt a little more relaxed and muttered silently: "I hope she can succeed..."


As the night grew darker, a light carriage drove to the corner gate of the Guangling Palace. After the carriage stopped, a woman in black jumped out of the car quickly and waved to the women waiting at the corner gate. Several women rushed over immediately, and hurriedly took out a tied-up young girl from the car, stuffed it into a sedan parked in the corner gate, and carried the sedan toward the Guangling Palace. Walk to Feixueyuan.

In the Feixue Courtyard, Nangong Jin, the crown prince of Guangling, sat proudly in the corridor under the eaves with a carefree smile. While shaking the fan in his hand, he smiled and watched the ladies being lifted out of the sedan chair. The girl who pulled out.

At this time, the girl was frightened. Her slender body was trembling, like a small leaf swaying in the wind. Her big watery eyes were full of tears, and she was out of breath from crying. I'm so frustrated that my little nose is red from crying. I look so pitiful!

When Nangong Jin saw the little beauty crying so pitifully, she immediately felt sorry for her. She stood up and coaxed: "Don't cry, little darling. As long as you are obedient, I will never treat you badly..."

As he spoke, he held Caifei's chin with one hand and wiped the tears on her face with the other...

Feier was originally frightened. If it weren't for the support of several women, she almost collapsed on the ground. Because her mouth was blocked by a veil, her teeth had no chance to tremble. However, she was so frivolous by Nangong Jin. The fear was suddenly replaced by anger!

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