Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 842 Escape from the wolf den (4)

She was living her own life well, why should she be bullied by them, first Du Yongzhi, and then the man who called himself Prince He? This man looked so wretched and disgusting, why did he kidnap her here? Why would you touch your face casually?

Nangong Jin wiped away the tears on Fei'er's face and saw that she had stopped crying and was glaring at him with angry eyes. Her big black and white eyes were full of anger, which immediately made him laugh. She pinched Fei'er's little face that had not yet lost its baby fat, and said ambiguously: "Just watch what I do? Are you attracted to me? Haha, I will go to bed later and let you watch as much as I can!"

After saying that, he ordered four maids to help her take a bath.

Mayfair was taken to a hothouse. Several maids untied the ropes from her body, stripped off all of Mayfair's clothes, put them into the bathtub and started rubbing her.

Caifei is a conservative girl. Although the person who bathes her is a maid, who is a woman like her, but letting her expose herself naked in front of others and being rubbed so unscrupulously by them makes her feel ashamed and angry. Biting her tongue, she screamed in resistance and cursed in pain.

Nangong Jin, the crown prince of Guangling, was sitting at the stone table in the yard, drinking the warm house wine leisurely. Hearing the cries coming from the house, he felt extremely excited. This girl was not only as beautiful as a fairy daughter. Yes, she also has a very fierce temper, which suits his taste. He will definitely love her well later...

Just as he was thinking about it, the attendant of King Guangling came in and said, "My subordinates are here to see the Crown Prince. Crown Prince, the prince has summoned you to come over!"

When Nangong Jin heard that his father wanted to see him, he said unhappily: "It's so late, why did your father call me?"

The attendant said: "I heard that the prince's illness has worsened. The prince is busy refining elixirs and can't leave. I asked the prince to visit him for a while..."

Nangong Jin's face turned green. He hadn't accomplished anything good with that little beauty yet, so how could he be willing to leave? Besides, he had just drank strong hothouse wine, and if he didn't let it out, something would happen!

He hesitated for a moment, glanced at the red screen window, and said, "Wait for me for a while, and then go after I finish my work!"

Unexpectedly, the attendant knelt down, hugged his legs and said, "Your Majesty, please take care of this slave. If your Majesty leaves late and the prince gets angry, both your Majesty and your slave's butts will explode." , Besides, people from Prince Cheng’s Mansion and Prince Jin’s Mansion have gone, but our Guangling Prince’s Mansion is the only one who hasn’t gone yet. If this matter comes to the ears of Concubine Jin, Concubine Jin will be petty and will definitely hold a grudge and wait for an opportunity to retaliate. The Crown Prince should go and do business first. The little lady in your house can’t fly. It will be the same after seeing the Crown Prince and coming back to enjoy it later..."

Although Nangong Jin was already burning with desire, he was afraid of his father and did not dare to disobey him. Therefore, he endured the swelling in his body and hurried to the Zhongming Courtyard where King Guangling was!

After Mayfair was scrubbed, she was pulled out of the tub. A maid put a thin gauze dress on her body and invited her to sit on the couch.

"The prince has gone out for something. He will come back to visit the girl later. It's best for the girl to stay here peacefully and not make trouble. It's no joke if the prince gets angry..."

With that said, one maid was left to wait on him, and the rest of the people went out.

Feier was sitting on the edge of the bed, her heart beating wildly, wishing she could grow a pair of wings and fly away from here.

The maid said that the beast would come back later. If he came back, would she be in trouble? No, I have to find a way out of here as soon as possible...


Nangong Jin arrived at King Guangling's Zhongming Courtyard, and it was exactly as the attendant said, asking him to visit the prince at the prince's residence.

This was a sensitive period. The prince's arm was crippled and all thoughts were burning. In addition, after hearing that King Qin had won the battle, he felt even more depressed and depressed, so he fell ill from a sudden rage. The prince has no hope of ascending the throne. Everyone knows it well, and no one wants to visit a prince who is about to be deposed and make the future prince Qin unhappy. However, due to the power of Concubine Jin, Concubine Jin is a person who must retaliate. If they slighted the prince today, I am afraid that before King Qin ascended the throne, Concubine Jin would have already found an opportunity to insult them. Therefore, although the courtiers were very reluctant, they had to go to the prince's house for a while. suffered...

The prince was weak, and Judge Yao said he needed to rest. Therefore, the civil and military officials of the court and the royal family only stayed in the courtyard of the prince's residence for a moment, and then they all left.

After Nangong Jin left the Prince's Mansion, she couldn't wait to go home. Unexpectedly, before she left the Prince's Mansion, she met the Empress Dowager Ji's grandnephew, Mr. Ji. Mr. Ji was also a womanizing and lustful playboy. Sleeping in flowers and sleeping in willows, walking chickens and fighting dogs, they are the same kind of people as Nangong Jin, so they have a very close relationship. When he saw Nangong Jin, he insisted on dragging him to the flower house to groom an oiran girl named Lu Wu.

Nangong Jin was pulled by him and couldn't shirk, and she was curious about what kind of color the green grass was, so she followed him. Anyway, the little beauty hidden in her house couldn't fly, so sooner or later he would be the one to take advantage of it!

When he arrived at the flower house, he found that the oiran lady was in vain and didn't even have half the color of his precious son. Therefore, after watching Mr. Ji enter the green house, he slipped out, got in the car, and headed home with a puff of smoke. run.

It was already late at night when we returned to Feixueyuan. The maids and women who were waiting here had all rested. Only the two women on night shift were taking a nap sitting on the porch next to the beauties. The lights in the pavilion had been extinguished. They must have gone out. It was the little beauty who had fallen asleep.

There was no light in the Nuan Pavilion, and it was dark inside. Under the dim moonlight, he saw a person curled up on the couch, half naked, sleeping soundly with his face facing inside.

Nangong Jin was overjoyed, and rushed to the couch in two or three steps. He tore off the clothes on his body several times, then took off the little beauty's clothes and covered her up.

The result was not as good as he imagined, which made Tajin suddenly lose interest. He stood up, took a fire stick and lit the horn lamp on the table, and suddenly found that the person lying on the bed was actually his toy. The girl who passed by, that girl was lying on the couch with a pale face, her head was still bleeding, and she had fallen into a deep coma. Next to her pillow was a jade ruyi used as a pillow, but it had been broken, and he The little beauty that I tried so hard to snatch back has long since disappeared!

"Damn it!"

He roared, rushed out of the house, and yelled at the two women on duty: "Where did I leave you?"

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