Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 847 Getting rich (5)

This is the physical difference between men and women. Even if she is nourished by Lingxi, she can never beat him in a physical contest!

In the past few days since they came to the royal city, the two of them have been sleeping together in the name of husband and wife. Nangong Yi is like a young man who has tasted meat for the first time. He has to toss and sleep until late at night every night, hugging, kissing and touching each other. Every time, the relationship between them can be further deepened, and every time, the relationship between them can be made more tacit and harmonious.

Although the last line of defense between them has not been broken yet, Caiwei always used her own methods to help him out because she felt sorry for him. Nangong Yi was relieved. He followed the principle of coming back and never going back to be disrespectful, so he would do it every time. Pay her back twice as much and help her in your own way!

Seven or eight days passed in a flash. Logically speaking, his interest should have decreased a bit, but he had no intention of reducing it at all. Instead, he intensified it. Not only did he toil at night, but now he took advantage of his nap time at noon. It was really It can be said to be a typical example of racing against time!

After Nangong Yi went out, Caiwei waved her fist in the direction of the door, turned around and entered the space.

The parrot saw Caiwei walking in a weird way and laughed loudly: "Master, you are being bullied by King Qin again!"

"Go away, it's none of your business!"

Caiwei's face turned red and she limped to the hot spring. Behind her, the parrot looked at Caiwei walking like a duck and started rolling with laughter, holding her stomach!

Caiwei was really ready to cry after losing such an important person. She had already abandoned her armor before she even did it with real swords and guns. What if one day they get married, and then... ..

Oops, I don’t want to!

Caiwei slapped her forehead in annoyance, driving those charming images out of her mind.

The hot springs in the space have the effect of repairing wounds. The swollen area of ​​Caiwei slowly returned to normal under the soaking in the hot springs. It did not hurt and the color was not red like the congestion just now.

She left the hot spring with satisfaction and went to look for shellfish in Lingxi to see if all the shellfish in Lingxi contained pearls.

She caught a few river mussels, merlots, scallops, etc., and asked Changmei to help her find a small shovel, picked up a river mussel, and pried it up.

The river mussel was pried open, and Caiwei opened her mouth wide. She really saw the pearls adsorbed on the clam meat on the left and right. Although they were only the size of soybeans, they were the same size and still shiny. They were of high quality at first glance.

Caiwei was overjoyed and picked up another Melo snail and pried it up. As a result, she got another dragon ball of the same quality as yesterday!

"Buying cakes!"

Caiwei lay down by the stream, her heart beating wildly: Space is so great that it has created so many incredible myths. It is only now that she knows how rich she is. Thinking about the past, she was still busy opening up. Dessert shops, cloth shops and restaurants, all those busy businesses together are not as valuable as selling a single bead.

"Get rich, get rich..."

She muttered, got up with a smile on her face, and took the shellfish to the kitchen.

The man went to inspect the glass factory, and he promised to come back and have breakfast with her later. The guy worked hard for most of the night last night, and for half a day in the morning. He must be tired now, and she had to cook something delicious for him. Just make up for it!


Because the demand for glass is huge, Mengnu Khan has already started building factories, and plans to cooperate with Caiwei to do a big job and bring Mengnu people to the road of prosperity.

Now, the Mengnu people who can make glass have snowballed from the dozen people Nangong Yi taught them at the beginning to hundreds. Everyone is happy that they have mastered this craft. After mastering this technology, they You no longer have to live a nomadic life. With this craft, you can support your family. If not, you can even live a well-off life!

The factory building has not yet been built, and the glass-burning masters have to stay in the sheds for the time being. Nangong Yi started to inspect the first shed, watching everyone's glass-burning skills as he walked, and whether there was anything he needed guidance on.

Fortunately, the technique of burning glass is very simple. Along the way, I saw almost no master who made mistakes. Everyone burned their own glass seriously and dried and put away the better glass in time.

There is no difficulty in making glass. What is difficult is transporting glass, because glass is fragile and can be broken more easily than dishes. And Mengnu has to climb a big mountain to get to Dajin. There are still many bumps on the road to the capital. They I really have no confidence that I can safely bring these glasses to the capital of Dajin, which is thousands of miles away!

Therefore, how to transport glass to the Jin Kingdom has become a big problem.

Nangong Yi ordered someone to order some wooden boxes, wrap each piece of glass with straw, rags, etc., and then put the wrapped glass in the box, planning to transport them back to the capital.

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