After inspecting the glass factory, Nangong Yi refused Mengnu Khan Tuoba Kui's request to invite him to dinner, and led the guards to the tent where he lived. He had been out all morning. I wonder if his little girl was up. If so, It would be fine if she didn't get up. He could press her down and wipe the oil again. When he thought of that little girl's shy look, her porcelain-white soft body, and her melodious gasp, his body became unsatisfactoryly hot, and there seemed to be a raging fire burning in his lower abdomen, waiting. Xiao Nizi is putting out the fire for him!

When he was about to reach his tent, a familiar figure appeared in front of him. Nangong Yi paused, and his handsome face suddenly darkened. He looked at He Lanna coldly and said, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Helana twitched the corner of her mouth, and there was a burst of bitterness in her heart. She was not stupid. She could see the man's coldness and perfunctoryness, but there was nothing she could do about it. She loved him to the core of her bones. Even though she knew that he hated her, she still couldn't control it. I want to get close to him and see him. For him, dignity and other things no longer matter!

"King Qin, it's not safe on the road, so I want to go back with the army!"

She did not dare to say that she wanted to go back with him, but said that she wanted to go back with the army. Otherwise, based on her understanding of men, he would definitely reject her. She had known him for seven or eight years, and what she studied all day long was his Temperament, so you know how to speak without being rejected.

As she expected, Nangong Yi hesitated and reluctantly agreed. Although he didn't like her following his army, she was the princess of Xianbei after all, the apple of the eye of the king and queen of Xianbei. If she really Because something went wrong with his refusal on the way, the king and queen of Xianbei would definitely be at odds with the Jin Dynasty and trigger a war between the two countries. If that happened, he would become the eternal sinner of the Jin Dynasty!

Helana was immediately elated when she heard Nangong Yi's permission. The journey from Meng Nu to Dajin's Kyoto was long. Even if she was in a hurry, it would take more than a month at the earliest. She had more than a month to get along with him, so Over time, she will definitely find an opportunity!

Caiwei used the white flour produced in the space, cut conch meat and scallop meat into thin strips, and paired it with tender cabbage hearts, etc. to make a seafood pearl soup with excellent appearance and taste. It's a big bowl of white, green or green. Just looking at the appearance and smelling it is enough to make people salivate.

After making breakfast, the man hadn't come back yet. Caiwei had nothing to do, so she went out of the tent to look for him.

When Zhuifeng and Zhuyue saw Caiwei coming out, they consciously followed her. Their master had ordered that as long as he was not by her side, they had to protect her at all times, even though she didn't need it!

After walking for a while, Caiwei stopped. Not far away, her man and Princess Helanna were standing. Both of them had sideways faces and didn't know what they were talking about. One expression was cold and distant, and the other one was earnest and affectionate.

A woman pestered her future husband-in-law for nothing. Any woman would feel unhappy when this happened. Caiwei's face dropped. Before she could say anything, Helana's voice came over there. A pitiful voice.

"King Qin, can I meet Princess Anle? I'm too lonely here alone. I want to find someone to talk to..."

Caiwei raised her eyebrows. She didn't think she had any friendship with Helan. There was nothing to say between them. If she had to say it, it was because of this man that she was quarreling. She was not in the mood to do something so boring. matter.

Nangong Yi seemed to have a connection with her and refused her request without hesitation.

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