"There is no Princess Anle in this world anymore. She is Mu Caiwei, my unmarried princess. She has to take care of my food and daily life every day. She is very busy and has no time to chat with Princess Helan!"

The beloved man called another woman his 'unmarried wife', which made Helana's heart ache severely, and the expression on her face froze. It took a long time to calm down, and she quickly changed to With an indifferent smile, he said nonchalantly: "Since it's inconvenient, forget it. Anyway, we are going together along the way and there will be many opportunities to meet in the future!"

After a day and a night of psychological construction, she was able to accept the title of Mu Caiwei's Princess Qin. It was just a title, nothing more. Anyway, she did not have the royal genealogy or jade certificate, so she would not be harmed by the emperor at all. The Queen admitted that Mu Caiwei was just a woman of low birth. Apart from being prettier than others, there was nothing praiseworthy about her. The Emperor and Queen would never allow King Qin to marry her!

"Yi, it's time to eat!"

Caiwei raised her delicate little face and called out softly. Her voice was so soft that it could almost make water drop.

Nangong Yi turned his head and saw the woman's almost exaggerated gentleness. He was startled for a moment, and then he understood what was going on. He laughed cooperatively and said lazily: "It's still early, why don't you lie down for a while, just wait until I get back from work to make breakfast..."

As expected, when Helanna saw the love between them, her face suddenly turned pale, and her entire face lost its expression. She stared blankly at a pair of men and women making love to each other, feeling that her heart was broken into pieces. ….

From the beginning to the end, Caiwei seemed not to see Helanna and only focused on showing affection with the man. Finally, under the man's embrace, she left sweetly.

In view of the man's outstanding performance, Caiwei decided to reward him well. During the meal, she deliberately took out a jar of fruit wine that she had brewed in the past as a reward for the man's outstanding performance.

That jar of fruit wine is brewed from fresh fruits in the space and Lingxi water. Needless to say, it is sweet and refreshing, and the mellow smell alone is enough to be intoxicating.

Nangong Yi loves to drink, and he is also very picky about wine. He used to drink a special Huadiao wine, which is made from the best glutinous rice, high-quality wheat koji, and the ancient method of brewing snow from plum blossom stamens. It was mellow and sweet, and he liked it very much.

However, after drinking Caiwei's fruit wine, the man suddenly lamented that people are different, and wine is also different. The wine he drank before was all in vain, and what Xiaonizi brewed was the real thing. He had never felt that kind of ecstasy after just one sip of wine. He had never felt it in his life!

Caiwei was extremely satisfied with the man's performance today. Whether it was his expression towards Helanna or what he said to her, she felt very warm and happy.

This is how a man should be. He should decisively reject a woman who covets him and not leave any hope for her. Otherwise, that little bit of hope may become a spark that starts a prairie fire and leaves a legacy for her future life. Boundless trouble.

Because she was very satisfied with the man's performance, Caiwei generously rewarded him with a whole jar of fine fruit wine. Nangong Yi accepted it unceremoniously and drank the entire jar of wine in pleasure.

He has a very good drinking capacity. He has never been drunk since he started drinking. This time he drank a full bottle and was still not drunk. He was just a little immoral after drinking, as the old saying goes, "Wine is the matchmaker for sex." , after drinking, his body was unbearably hot and hot, so he had to coax and coax his woman to the couch again, and loved her so hard that he made her beg for mercy again and again, and then he gave up...

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