Fei'er nodded, her face slightly red: "My little girl Mu Caifei is from Yushu County, Bianzhou Prefecture. She moved to the capital with her parents half a year ago. By chance, she met the young master. I'm afraid she will bother him these days. .  "

"Bafu Restaurant, Nongfa Farm and Bafu Dessert Shop are all properties of the girl's family, right?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

Fei'er was stunned, slightly opening her bright red mouth, staring blankly at him with a pair of clear water eyes, not to mention how cute she looked!

The man was stunned and lost his mind for a moment. His heart, which had been sealed for many years, seemed to have been hit by something. It skipped a beat for no reason! He opened his eyes in panic, and the tips of his ears were dyed pink.

"Princess Anle's family background is known to everyone in the court, so there is nothing surprising!" He was perfunctory and did not explain that he deliberately sent someone to find out after saving her last time.

In fact, he didn't know why he wanted to check on her, but since that day, that little face with pear blossoms always appeared in front of his eyes, which disturbed him and made him restless. The second time they met at Jufud Restaurant Finally, he became more curious about her, so he sent someone to check it out!

Fei'er believed the man's explanation, but when he mentioned her eldest sister, she immediately thought of her family. She had been away from home for a day and a night. What happened to her father and Uncle Zhang? Were you injured or killed by those beasts? And Niang and Wen'er and Wu'er, their whereabouts are unknown, how worried should they be!

At this time, Mu Zhongqing was not only worried, but almost going crazy!

When he and Uncle Zhang woke up last night, Fei'er was no longer in the carriage and her whereabouts were unknown. He and Uncle Zhang drove the carriage back to Zhuangzi like crazy, and mobilized all the people in Zhuangzi to search for her. They searched all night, but there was no clue at all. None were found.

Du Shi couldn't bear this blow and fell ill all of a sudden. Wen'er and Wu'er cried so hard that they wanted to go with their father to find their sister.

Mu Zhongqing regretted so much that his intestines turned green. It was so late last night and he should have stayed or not left the city. It was all his fault that he had made a wrong idea and harmed his daughter!

Early in the morning, Mu Zhongqing endured anxiety and grief, and ran to Yingtian Mansion to file a complaint with his eyes red. Zhao Hongwang, the governor of Yingtian Mansion, accepted the complaint and saw that Mu Zhongqing was a good friend of Huo Yuan. Zhong Qing was very proud and immediately sent someone to inquire about it, and then ordered him to go back and wait for news.

Mu Zhongqing could not stand still, so he went to Bishui Villa without stopping. He wanted to discuss with Huo Yuan and see if Huo Yuan could help him. However, Huo Yuan went to Lin'an Mansion a few days ago and was said to be going down. It took him a month to come back, but Mu Zhongqing wasted no time. He went to Cao Jin's house unwillingly and wanted to ask Cao Jin for help.

Cao Jin has also been busy recently. In a few days, the eldest daughter of Duke Anguo will get married to Wuchang Houjin Dapeng as his stepwife. His adoptive father, Butler Cao, is busy with the eldest daughter's marriage and is so busy that he hits the back of his head. As the only son of his adoptive father, he naturally tried his best to help.

Mu Zhongqing found Cao Jin, told him about Fei'er, and begged Cao Jin to think of a way to help her find her daughter.

Cao Jin knew Caiwei's position in Huo Yuan's heart, and he had a vague feeling for the Du family when he was young, so he was particularly concerned about the Mu family's request. After Mu Zhongqing left, Cao Jin immediately mobilized I have to use my own strength to find someone.

As for the marriage of the eldest daughter of Duke An Guo, the preparations are almost complete. Even without his assistance, the adoptive father can handle the remaining matters.

Du Wanqiu has completely collapsed now. When she first heard about Jin Dapeng being castrated, she was lucky to think that she had escaped. How could she expect that the eunuch would be like this and still want to be evil? If she marries herself, even if he is a normal man, she will not look down on him, not to mention that he is no different from a eunuch now!

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