Du Wanqiu has always thought highly of herself, believing that only men with talent, good looks and status like King Qin and Huo Yuan are worthy of her. This is why she is still waiting in the harem at the age of seventeen. Between Jin Dapeng and King Huo Yuan of Qin, The gap between them is not a matter of one or two grades. Even if Jin Dapeng had not been castrated, she would never marry him. What's more, he has become a eunuch now, a notorious eunuch known to the whole capital, so , no matter what means she uses, she must escape!

Theoretically, when the eldest daughter of the family gets married, Mrs. Guo should do her best to take care of her daughter. However, since the eldest son and grandson passed away, the second son's balls were inexplicably squeezed, and he became an out-and-out useless person. Shi fell ill. He was seriously ill and dying. He couldn't even speak and couldn't take care of his daughter's marriage.

The old lady Wang is now paralyzed in bed, and she is even more useless. There is no one in charge of the family now, so Du Ruhai took the decision and handed over the matter of Du Wanqiu's marriage to the second lady Wang.

The second wife, Mrs. Wang, and the eldest family have always been at odds with each other, so how could they help her wholeheartedly? I was only thinking about how to make some money, so I used the excuse that a funeral had just been held at home and I couldn't hold the wedding too grandly, so I made do with everything. Even the dowry was only thirty-two tons, and most of it was from the treasury. Those who wanted to replenish the old items, including the dowry girls, did not go out to buy them. They only asked a few older girls around Du Wanqiu to replenish the items.

Du Wanqiu had never thought about marrying Jin Dapeng, so she naturally didn't care about the dowry and marriage. However, just because she didn't care about it didn't mean that others didn't care about it.

In addition to Du Wanqiu, the Dafang family also has a legitimate daughter, Du Wanying, who is only fourteen years old this year, but is a well-known shrewd person. She originally couldn't stand the second wife's manipulation of the middle-aged wife, but now the eldest sister's The dowry was taken care of by the second wife, so Du Wanying naturally kept an eye on it and asked Qian to secretly inquire about her sister's dowry list.

When she discovered that most of the dowry given to her eldest sister by the Wang family was old things that had been piled up in the treasury, she was immediately angry!

The bride's dowry involves the woman's future status in her husband's family. A bride with a meager dowry will be looked down upon by her husband's family, and her natal family will also be poked in the back. Du Wanying didn't care whether her sister would be looked down upon by others, or whether Duke Anguo would be poked in the back. However, what she cared about was that because her sister's dowry was so meager, some people would think that the eldest family could not afford a decent dowry in the future. She gave up the idea of ​​proposing marriage to her, so she had to fight for her sister's dowry. Not only did she have to fight for it, but she also had to let her sister marry her in a beautiful and beautiful way!

As for who her sister will marry and whether she will be happy in the future, that is not within her scope of consideration...

According to the rules of Duke An Guo's palace, when you get married, half of the dowry will be paid by the kilometer and half by the private family. In other words, half of Du Wanqiu's dowry will be paid by the family of Duke An Guo and half by their eldest brother.

Du Wanqiu's dowry was prepared by Guo four or five years ago and has been kept at home. Although it is not very luxurious, it is definitely worthy of the status of the eldest daughter of Duke An Guo; But there is a lot of mystery.

For example: there are twenty sets of clothes for each of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Although there is no error in the number, the quality of the eighty sets of clothes is very problematic. First of all, the satin for making clothes has ten sets of clothes stored in the warehouse. The old satin, which is more than 20 years old, is out of date not only in pattern, but also in color. It looks half-new, like the clothes of a newlywed bride.

There are also dowry shops. When every eldest daughter of Anguo Palace gets married, she will be given a dowry shop and a shop. My sister’s dowry shop is actually a soybean oil workshop located on the outskirts of the city. Although the area and scale of the shop are not small, the houses in the suburbs are basically It's not worth anything. A large workshop, including leather, leather and bones, isn't even worth five thousand taels.

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