That Zhuangzi is even more outrageous. It is located at the foot of Zixia Mountain in the western suburbs of the capital. Zixia Mountain is a public cemetery with countless dead people buried in it. It is very unlucky that even the Zhuangzi at the foot of the mountain is not willing to rent it, so it is rented to tenants. The land rent is very cheap, less than half that of other villagers. Even so, no one is willing to rent it!

When Du Wanying saw that there were so many tricks hidden in her sister's dowry, she naturally refused to give up. She took the dowry list and angrily went to her father to discuss it. Her mother was so ill that she was unconscious and there was no hope for her. My sister is looking for life and death every day, and she doesn't care about the amount of dowry, so Du Wanying has no choice but to rely on her father for support!

Du Yongzhi saw the eldest daughter's dowry list, and he also had a lot of thoughts about his second wife. He took the list and went to An Guogong to discuss it.

Du Ruhai already felt guilty for Du Wanqiu, his granddaughter. Seeing that his second wife had done something so shameless, he immediately became furious, called the second wife and his wife over, scolded them severely, and not only asked them to make up for it. The dowry has been increased from thirty-two to sixty-four, and each piece of dowry must not be messed with, and must be picked up and accompanied. In addition, they are also asked to collect all the deeds of the family shop and the farmhouse. They were all sent to the big house and let Du Wanqiu choose by herself, and she chose double portions, because Du Wanqiu had been wronged by her family and had to marry an eunuch, so Du Ruhai was determined to compensate her financially.

Mrs. Wang was so distressed that she almost vomited blood, but she did not dare to disobey her father-in-law, so she had to pack up the dowry for Du Wanqiu again, and sent someone to deliver all the deeds of the family's house and land to the main house for Du Wanqiu to choose.

Du Wanqiu was immersed in pain and didn't care about the matter at all. Du Wanying stepped over and selected the two best houses and two shops in the house for her sister to use as dowry for her sister.

In fact, she wanted to keep these things as a dowry for herself in the future, but she knew that even if she kept them, these things would not be hers. Who made the two sisters in the second room one year older than herself, so , since she can't get it, she might as well give it to her sister, so that outsiders can see how decent their big house is, which will also be beneficial to her future search for her husband's family!

The second wife, Mrs. Wang, was scolded by her father-in-law and brought out so many good things to add to Du Wanqiu's box. She was already feeling very helpless, but now she saw that the eldest son had taken away all the best houses and shops, and she was immediately angry. He fell over and fell ill immediately, unable to get up from the bed.

These two houses and shops were originally left to her precious twin daughters Du Wanyue and Du Wanru. They had long been regarded as her own property. Suddenly they were taken away by others, or by the big house she hated most. How could she swallow this?

Du Wanyue and Du Wanru were also so angry that they wanted to go to the big house and snatch back what should belong to them. However, the dowry was decided by their grandfather himself, so they had nothing to do. In anger, The two sisters secretly came up with a good idea...


Qixia Palace

Emperor Jin Ming was sitting cross-legged on a futon, meditating attentively. The double-ear incense burner beside him was filled with smoke, covering the hall in a mist.

Li Guoshi, wearing a Taoist robe, slowly walked out of the alchemy room inside, holding a tray in his hand. There was a red elixir in the tray. He walked up to Emperor Jin Ming and said: "Your Majesty, I am a poor Taoist practitioner." After seven, seven and forty-nine days, I have finally prepared the God-Building Pill, and I have come here to present it to Your Majesty."

Emperor Jin Ming opened his eyes, took the elixir with a light fragrance in his hand, looked at it, smelled it, and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Imperial Master. If I succeed in the future, I will be the first." The hero is so!"

After that, he put the elixir into his mouth and swallowed it.

Li Guoshi smiled humbly and said: "Serving Your Majesty with all your heart is Pindao's blessing. When Pindao came out of seclusion last night, he observed the sky at night and found that Sirius was dim and the rainbow light stood out in the north direction of the mountain. This must be a sign of the birth of a rare treasure. "

Emperor Jin Ming said: "Oh? Could it be that the third child got something treasure in Lingbei?"

Li Guoshi said with a smile: "I have little magic power, so I can't figure out who got the treasure. I can only figure out that this treasure will benefit the people of Jin Dynasty. It is a great treasure!"

The emperor was overjoyed and was about to ask again when he suddenly saw the great eunuch Zhu Zhong walking in quietly and said: "Your Majesty, just now Sun Maotai, the manager of the Jade Kun Palace, came to report that the empress slipped and fell and injured her head. Can you please Is the imperial physician going to treat me?"

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