When the emperor heard this, he said with displeasure: "As the mother of the country, the queen should be dignified and prudent. Every word and deed should be an example for women in the world. How could she be so irritable and unstable? She could fall down and even hurt her head." Oh, it really disappoints me!"

Zhu Zhong did not dare to say anything, he lowered his head and hunched over to wait for the emperor's order. Emperor Jin Ming nagged for a while, and finally said: "It was sent to Yao Yuanjing to let her have a look. Later, the third child came back and saw a half-dead mother. It’s also annoying!”


Mr. Zhu bowed his body and retreated.

Li Guoshi sat cross-legged on a futon next to the emperor, closed his eyes, and meditated with the emperor.

Emperor Jin Ming had no intention of meditating. He couldn't calm down. After sitting for a while, he sighed: "Hey, she is getting more and more excessive. She even dares to move in the middle palace. If it is not for the sake of the past relationship, I really can't." I want to destroy her!"

Li Guoshi closed his eyes and said slowly: "Your Majesty is practicing hard, but you still don't see any progress. How could you possibly be too worried about it? If your Majesty can't let go of worldly things, you won't make any progress even if you practice for a hundred years. What's the point?" Why not go back to the court as soon as possible and be a wise emperor!"

Emperor Ming of Jin smiled and said: "What the Imperial Master said makes sense. If you are determined to practice Buddhism, you should abandon those mundane and mundane things. Your children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Let them make trouble on their own!"

After that, he closed his eyes and continued to meditate.

Although Li Guoshi closed his eyes, he sneered in his heart.

Test me, I won’t be fooled!

Emperor Jin Ming was suspicious. Because he was introduced by the King of Qin, he always suspected that he was an accomplice of the King of Qin. He wanted to conspire with the King of Qin to plot his empire, his beloved woman and his son. If he hadn't seen his profound deeds, he would have been killed long ago. He was killed as a traitor. Even if he is being used now, he has never been at ease. He has been trying every means to test him to see if he is an accomplice of King Qin.

Thanks to his tact, when communicating with the emperor, he never spoke directly to the King of Qin, the Queen and others, and he did not say a word to the emperor's complaints about Concubine Jin. He always showed the image of a master who was outside the world and untainted by the dust. This Only then did the emperor gradually let down his guard, from being on high alert at the beginning to now being occasionally tempted.

However, Li Guoshi still could not relax. As the saying goes, accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. He paid great attention to his every word and deed, lest he would be caught by the emperor as a handle to harm others and himself. Therefore, many things did not go smoothly. He won't take action unless absolutely necessary!


At the top of the moon, the heat of the day has disappeared from the air, and there is a layer of white mist. It is a bit cold at night. The wives and mothers-in-law who are on night duty at Anguo Palace take advantage of the illnesses and injuries of their masters, leaving no one behind. The main thing is to get into the house and hide away.

Under the moonlight, two slender figures flashed out of Yilan Garden. They looked around furtively, found no one, and walked quickly outside...

Early the next morning, at dawn, a sharp shout rang out in the Yilan Garden of Duke Anguo's Mansion: "Oh no, come here quickly, the eldest lady is missing——"

"Quick, go and report to Madam!"

"No, my wife is seriously ill. If hearing this news makes her condition worse, I can't bear it..."

"Wow, what should we do? The eldest lady is gone, can we still survive?"

The girls in Yilan Garden hugged each other and cried bitterly like they were mourning for their heirs. The eldest lady was about to get married, but she ran away under their noses. Is it any wonder that the Duke and the eldest father wanted to take their lives? Not only them, but their families may also suffer...

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