First, the girls of Meng slaves cannot perform the "daughter ceremony" within three years. Violators will be punished according to the national law. Anyone who cuts off the body of a girl without authorization will be punished by chopping off the hands.

Second, since Mengnu has surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, the currency in the future will be replaced by copper plates and silver just like the Jin Dynasty.

Third, burning glass is a unique skill of the Monuments. It is not allowed to be passed on to others without permission. The burned glass is not allowed to be sold to others. It is purchased by people sent by the Khan every month. Violators will be punished as treason and be quartered on five horses. !

As soon as several laws were promulgated, Caiwei was very happy. With the legal guarantee, she would be more comfortable developing her own business in the land of Lingbei in the future.

Originally, she didn't want to go back to Dajin with her man. The glass factory here had just started, and she wanted to stay here to take charge, but Nangong Yi refused to let her stay at all. In the end, he almost forced her out. .

When the army arrived at the camp where Nangong Yi placed sick and wounded soldiers, Chaoyang and Nangong Yi met.

Before Nangong Yi set off from Dajin, Chaoyang was still a proud daughter of heaven who stood high and attracted everyone's attention. In just a few months, she changed a lot. She was not as willful as before, nor was she as lively and laughing as before. .

As soon as he saw Nangong Yi, Chaoyang ran over quickly and threw himself into his arms. Before he could speak, he started crying.

"...Brother, I thought I would never see you again in this life..."

Nangong Yi patted her back and comforted her softly: "What nonsense are you talking about? Isn't this okay!"

"What's so good? You don't know how many terrible things have happened to me. If it weren't for Sister Luoxue, your sister would have passed away long ago... Wuwuwu, brother, you must thank her properly for me... "


Luoxue stood aside, her heart racing with excitement, but her face showed just the right amount of calm.

"Then what do you reward Sister Luoxue for? If you don't take advantage of her thoughts, my sister won't obey!"

Like a little girl, Princess Chaoyang hugged Nangong Yi's strong waist tightly, stroking her tears into his broad chest and acting coquettishly.

"Chaoyang, let your sister-in-law handle this matter. My brother is not good at giving gifts to women!" Nangong Yi raised his head and looked at Chaoyang's 'sister-in-law' with a smile.

‘Who is her sister-in-law? "Caiwei is not surprised. She glared at him and turned her face to the side.

When Nangong Yu heard the word 'sister-in-law', she glanced disdainfully in Caiwei's direction. Although she didn't say anything, there was a hint of hostility in her eyes.

She was in Nangong Yi's arms. Nangong Yi couldn't see her expression clearly. He always thought that his sister looked aggrieved, so he said to the woman in his family: "Weier, what do you mean by appreciating the snow girl?" The stuff is good!"

Caiwei glanced at Luoxue, who looked calm but was actually worshiping, and smiled slowly, saying, "Miss Luoxue grew up in Yukun Palace. She has never seen any good things. Are you curious about your idea that no one wants? Want me?" Tell me, since I’ve rewarded you, I’ll reward you with something special!”

As she spoke, she looked meaningfully at Luoxue's face, her expression a bit... malicious!

"Oh? What's special?"

As soon as Nangong Yi saw her calculating look, he became interested and raised his eyebrows and asked her.

Caiwei opened her bright red mouth and highlighted two words lightly: "Husband--"

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