Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 860 Recognition (1)

Nangong Yi seemed to agree with Cai Wei's point of view, and actually nodded and praised: "Wei'er's idea is wonderful, and it's very much what I want!"

Luoxue's head buzzed, as if struck by lightning. She knelt down with a 'pop' and said eagerly: "No, Your Highness, King Qin, I don't want to!"

As he said that, he subconsciously looked towards Nangong Yu, with a look of help in his eyes.

Nangong Yu understood and said displeasedly: "Brother, what kind of bad idea is this? Luoxue is mine now. Even if I marry, I have to agree to it, right? Don't worry about it and make mistakes!"

Bad idea, messy words, these words are used to criticize Caiwei. How could Caiwei, such a transparent person, not hear it? She smiled coldly and said, "Princess, don't worry, since Miss Luoxue doesn't want to Of course no one is forcing her to get married, but I wonder what the princess wants your brother to reward her with?"


Nangong Yu thought for a while and said, "Brother, I can't bear to let Sister Luoxue get married. Why don't I take her into the house? We will still be a family from now on!"

Nangong Yu knew Luo Xue Dao's intentions well, and Luo Xue was also very self-aware. She knew that she was not worthy to be Nangong Yi's main wife, so she only asked for a concubine position. Nangong Yu thought that her request to let her brother suffer Luoxue was not too much. After all, no man would dislike having too many women, not to mention that the extra one was just a young and beautiful concubine.

After hearing Nangong Yu's words, Luoxue lowered her head shyly and did not reject it like she did just now. It was obvious at a glance what she was thinking!

Caiwei twitched the corner of her mouth sarcastically. This Princess Chaoyang was still very trembling when she first came to Mengnu. She was also very polite to her. But in the blink of an eye, she changed when she saw her brother. She must be Just because her brother is here, someone is looking down on her, so they don't take her seriously. It's really ridiculous!

However, she didn't say anything, she just looked at Nangong Yi with cold eyes.

Nangong Yi was startled when he heard Nangong Yu's words, and received Cai Wei's scrutinizing gaze, and immediately shouted loudly: "Yu'er, don't mess around, your brother will never take a concubine in this life!"

After saying that, he said to Caiwei flatteringly: "Weier, this girl Yu'er is playing tricks on us, you must not be angry!"

Luoxue was stunned. Did she hear it correctly? What did King Qin just say? What does it mean that he will never take a concubine in his life? How can a man stay away from concubines all his life? How can this be?

Nangong Yu also stared in disbelief, and it took her a long time to understand what her brother was saying. She had known about her brother Xinyue and Mu Caiwei for a long time, but she never thought that her brother had loved her to this extent.

"Brother, what are you talking nonsense about? What does it mean that you will never take concubines in your life? How can a man not take concubines? Not to mention you are the direct prince, even the concubines in the past dynasties have had several concubines?"

Caiwei said coldly: "Your brother is not talking nonsense. It is an agreement between the two of us to be together for the rest of our lives. It is precisely because he gave me this promise that I will accept his feelings. Take a concubine for your brother." Don’t say it again, don’t even think about it, otherwise, don’t blame me for disowning you as my sister!"

Nangong Yi nodded in agreement and said seriously: "I heard what your sister-in-law said. Don't do it again in the future. Be careful to make your sister-in-law angry. My brother can't help you!"

Nangong Yu looked at her brother in astonishment. The man who was once aloof and indifferent, looking down on the world, was now trying his best to please the woman with a flattering smile. His expression was so dog-legged that he looked like a woman. Poor yes-man, if he didn't have the same appearance as his brother, she wouldn't be able to believe that this man would make her brother!

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