Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 861 Recognition (2)

"elder brother----"

She screamed, feeling aggrieved and sad, and tears almost burst out of her eyes.

How could her brother, who had taken good care of her for more than ten years, become like this? He also scolded her for this woman. Where was the brother who held her in his hands and loved her?

"Okay, you go out, your sister-in-law and I still have something to say!"

Nangong Yi interrupted her sternly and waved his hand impatiently. His little girl was unhappy. He was so anxious to make her happy, how could he care about his sister's mood?

Nangong Yu bit her lip, stamped her feet angrily, pulled up Luoxue who had been kneeling on the ground, and went out angrily.

In the tent, Caiwei still had a cold face, looking like 'I'm very angry'. Nangong Yi walked over, hugged her from behind, and said in a soft voice: "Madam, look, it's all about Yu'er." What the girl did has nothing to do with my husband, and my husband has no intention of taking a concubine!"

Men are innocent, so Caiwei doesn't know that what she is angry about is not Nangong Yi, but the social system in this world where men are superior to women.

I just saw the incredible expressions on Nangong Yu and Luo Xue when they heard Nangong Yi's declaration that he would not take concubines, which made Caiwei feel that this world is so unfair to women. Why can men have three wives and four concubines, but women can't? They all have to stick together until the end, even the prince-in-law wants those concubines, but the princess takes it for granted. So, if Nangong Yi refuses to take concubines in the future, will they become the target of everyone in the Jin Dynasty, or, Will the emperor and the empress force women to Nangong Yi and restrain him with things like filial piety and ethics, so that he cannot refuse?

"Nangong Yi!"

Caiwei broke away from his arms and turned around to face him, "Nangong Yi, if your father, queen and mother insist on letting you take a concubine, or send the concubine directly to your house, what will you do? "

Nangong Yi pulled her to sit down, held her on his lap, and rubbed his chin against the top of her head.

"I heard that you raise a lot of livestock in a village on the outskirts of Beijing?"

"That's right, but what does this have to do with you taking a concubine? Tell me quickly, what will you do if your father, queen and mother insist on you taking a concubine?"


Nangong Yi laughed, pinched her little nose and said, "What do you think, Madam, by sending them to Zhuangzi to herd geese and ducks? Or let them make snacks with the women of the Zhang family to create benefits for Madam, or ration them to the village." The young man is ready. How he will be arranged is up to you, the lady, but please don’t bother me with such things!"

"You...arrange them like this, aren't you afraid that your father, queen and queen will blame you?"

The man's words pleased the woman in his arms. At this moment, the ice on her face had melted. When she asked him, her tone was soft and there was a bit of a coquettish smile in her eyes.

Nangong Yi pecked her little mouth and said, "Don't worry, this little thing won't be a problem for your man. If your man can't even handle this little thing, he doesn't deserve to have you!"

This sentence suddenly hit Caiwei's heart. They say sweet words are the poison of love, but why does Caiwei think this poison is so delicious? She wishes she could eat more!

Nangong Yi saw that the anger on Xiao Nizi's face had faded away and was replaced by a sweet smile. He unconsciously lowered his head and kissed her passionately...


He Lanna was wandering around Nangong Yi's camp with two guards. She had followed the army for several days and had not even seen Nangong Yi's shadow once. Nangong Yi had already given an order that she was not allowed to approach Caiwei or Caiwei. She was close to her, so she could only wander around Nangong Yi's camp every night when the army was camping, trying her luck.

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