Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 862 Recognition (3)

When she saw Nangong Yu coming out of Nangong's tent, she was so surprised that she waved her handkerchief and shouted: "Chaoyang, Chaoyang!"

Princess Chaoyang heard someone calling her, turned around and saw that it was Helanna. She was surprised and shouted: "Helanna, why are you here?"

Helanna ran over in a hurry. Because Princess Chaoyang was there, no one among the soldiers dared to stop her.

However, he was thoughtful and quietly reported the meeting between the two people to Nangong Yi's camp.

Nangong Yi was helping Caiwei wash her hair. Hearing this, she unconsciously raised the corner of her mouth and said happily, "It's just the right time for the two of them to stay together and save Chaoyang from bothering us all the way!"

He didn't want his and his wife's world to be disturbed. During the past few days of marching, he and his wife hid in the car and made love to each other every day, rubbing their ears and temples together. Not to mention how beautiful the life was, he felt more and more that she It was right to capture him from the royal city. If these beautiful days continued in the capital, it would be the best reward for his triumphant return!

Therefore, he will never allow the happiness in front of him to be broken by anyone, not even his own sister!

Caiwei frowned and said, "If the two of them are together, something will happen. I think they plotted against me together. "

But the man said: "Don't worry, you are mine now, and I won't agree if they want to plot against you!"

Caiwei was still worried, so she secretly let the parrot out...

Nangong Yu and He Lanxue talked a lot together. They were both princesses and had similar temperaments, so they had a lot in common. Nangong Yu did not shy away from her and told Helanna what had just happened. He also said angrily: "That woman is so shameless. She really thinks of herself as Princess Qin because her brother favors her. When others call her Princess Qin, she shamelessly agrees. She doesn't even know how to be modest. Not only that, but she is not allowed to do so." My brother's taking a concubine is so shameless. Who does she think she is? Huh! After returning to the capital, the queen mother made her brother the real Princess of Qin. Let's see how shameless she can be by his side."

Helana was also very angry when she heard that Mu Caiwei was so arrogant, but she had no choice but to say, "Hey, after all, it's not because King Qin doted on her. Without King Qin's doting on her, she would have been a despicable businesswoman at best. She was sent to Liaodan to get married, how could she be so arrogant here!"

When Liao Dan was mentioned, Nangong Yu's expression immediately collapsed. Just now, she looked filled with indignation. After hearing those two words, she immediately turned into a frightened rabbit. She shrank her shoulders and said with difficulty. : "I'm tired and have to go back to rest. Please do whatever you want..."

Shrinking, lowering his head, escorted by Luoxue, he quickly walked towards his tent.

When Luoxue passed by Helanna, she raised her eyebrows, gave her a hint, and then chased Nangong Yu.

Although He Lanxue didn't know what she wanted to do, she knew that this woman was very good at it. At first, she could make the cold-tempered Queen Mu treat her like a daughter, and now she could make the arrogant and domineering Princess Zhaoyang treat her as a sister. , such a woman cannot be looked down upon, not to mention, maybe she is looking for him for good reasons!

In the evening, Helanna's bodyguard came back and brought back a letter written by Luoxue. The letter asked her to come to her tent at three o'clock, and also specifically stated that she could realize her biggest wish in eight years. !

What her greatest wish is is known to the entire aristocratic circle of Jin Dynasty.

Helanna was surprised and pleasantly surprised, and immediately decided to go to the appointment. Maybe that Luoxue could really help her realize her wish!

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