Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 863 Recognition (4)

At the third watch, Helanna appeared in Luoxue's tent as promised. When she appeared, Luoxue was sitting on the mat washing the tea set. When he saw her coming, he did not stand up to salute. He pointed to the mat opposite him and said: "Princess, please sit down. We don't have much time, so I can only make a long story short.  "

"What are you trying to say? How can you help me?"

Helana sat opposite her and asked eagerly.

"I can indeed help the princess, but I can only help half of it. The remaining half is up to the princess herself."

"How can I help? What do you want me to do?"

Luoxue lowered her eyes and told her plan while doing the tea ceremony.

"The princess is the proud daughter of heaven. As long as you can sleep on His Majesty's couch, the King of Qin will have to accept this. By then, the princess will naturally be the true Princess of Qin!"

When Helanna heard her plan, she was immediately discouraged, "I thought you could come up with something good, but it's been such a bad idea for a long time. If I could sleep on his bed, I would have slept long ago. Do I have to wait until now?" ?"

Luoxue said calmly: "Of course it is impossible for the princess to do this alone. If you want to do this, you need the help of Princess Chaoyang and I. I just don't know how Princess Helan plans to thank her after it is done." I?"

"If you can really help me, if I become Princess Qin, you will be my concubine!" Helanna had already known what Luoxue was thinking, and immediately expressed her stance boldly.

Although she spoke loudly, she had other plans in her heart. She had never thought about sharing her husband with other women, especially such a terrible woman. After this matter was completed, she would definitely We have to find a way to get rid of her!

Luoxue's thoughts were similar to hers. She just wanted to use Helanna's help to drive a wedge between King Qin and Mu Caiwei. When Mu Caiwei left King Qin because of Helanna, it would be strange if King Qin didn't hate her to death. How could he marry her?

Luoxue knew that her status was not worthy of being the royal concubine of the King of Qin, so she had never fantasized about being the royal concubine of the King of Qin. However, the woman who became the royal concubine of the King of Qin must be a tolerant and generous person who could tolerate her, and it was best to be able to tolerate her. A woman she can control, and this woman will definitely not be Helanna!

"I wonder if the princess has heard of it. Luoxue is good at medicine. I am willing to offer the princess a medicine that makes men unable to control themselves, so as to achieve good things for the princess and the King of Qin!"

Helana blushed. It was not a decent thing for a daughter to study this kind of thing with others. She lowered her head shyly and said coyly: "It's not that easy. Don't you know, King Qin?" Is there another one in your tent?"

"You don't need the princess to worry about this, just leave it to me and Princess Chaoyang. I guarantee that the princess will be able to get her way when the time comes, but the princess needs to make up her mind and don't back down from the battle!"

"Don't worry, I will never back down."

Helana solemnly promised that of course she would not back down. She had been waiting for this opportunity for many years, and now she couldn't wait.

"Okay, it's a deal." Luoxue said, handing over a cup of tea: "I'll use tea instead of wine. I wish both of us can come true!"

Helana took the tea and drank it in one gulp, "Okay, I'll go back and wait for the news..."

Outside the tent, a round parrot flapped its wings and flew away. As soon as the parrot flew away, a black figure rose into the sky from behind the tent and flew towards the coach's camp!


Mu Zhongqing's family is now completely immersed in grief.

Fei'er has been missing for several days, and her life and death are unknown. People sent by Yingtian Mansion and Cao Jin have been searching for so many days, but there is no news at all!

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