Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 864 Recognition (5)

Originally, Mu Zhongqing had doubts about Prince Guangling because he had proposed to Fei'er and was rejected by him. Therefore, he suspected that Fei'er had been kidnapped by him. However, people sent by Cao Jin came back and reported that King Guangling In the past few days, the prince has been doting on a little girl from Elephant Gu's Pavilion. He has not even returned home, and there is no way he can be with Fei'er.

At this point, Fei'er's whereabouts became a mystery, leaving Mu Zhongqing and his wife devastated. Fortunately, Du's pregnancy was already three months old, otherwise she would have been so sad that she might not have been able to save the child.

Fei'er is also very anxious at this time. Her parents don't know her situation, so they don't know how anxious she is now. It would be great if a message could be sent out!

She was leaning on the pillar of the garden pavilion, looking at the sky and sighing, when a fair-skinned girl, twelve or thirteen years old, wearing blue-green armor, came over, blessed Fei'er, and said: " Girl, the old lady wants to see you, please go with me for a while!"

Feier stood up nervously, holding the handkerchief tightly and said, "How does the old lady know about me? Why does she want to see me?"

The maid smiled and said: "Who in the house doesn't know about the eldest son hiding his beauty in the golden house in the back garden? Don't be shy, girl, just come with me. The old lady and madam are the most kind-hearted people and will not embarrass you." Girl, let’s go quickly. "

After the maid finished speaking, she walked away. Fei'er didn't dare to disobey, so she had no choice but to follow the maid with small steps.

Duke Li Guo's Mansion belongs to a century-old family, and the building of the mansion is rich in heritage. It is different from the pursuit of fancy by An Guo Duke's Mansion, and it is also different from the luxury of Bishui Villa. The two of them walked out of the garden where pavilions, terraces, pavilions, vines, vines, bamboos and greens were intertwined. They saw a cobblestone path leading directly out of the gate. The maid led Fei'er to turn east, and then passed an east-west hall and a south-facing hall. , a large courtyard inside the Yimen, with five main rooms on top, deer-topped wing rooms on both sides, and the ear gate is drilled into the mountain, extending in all directions, majestic and majestic.

In the corridor through the mountain on both sides of the wing. When several maids in red and green saw Fei'er, they looked at her curiously. A maid in apricot-colored armor opened the curtains and spoke softly to the main room.

"Old madam, Miss Mu is here!"

Feifei'er anxiously followed the blue-green maid into the hall, and saw an old lady with silver-colored hair sitting in front of the hall. On her head was a large plaque of red gold and nine dragons with a blue background. The plaque read There are three big characters in the hall called "Enxi Hall"; there are coral ornaments more than three feet high on the large red sandalwood carving table, and there are sixteen nanmu armchairs lined up on the ground, with more than a dozen people sitting on them with their heads full of pearls. , ladies and ladies in silk and satin. Behind the ladies and ladies, dozens of maids stood in clusters of flowers.

A big maid placed a futon on the ground, the meaning of which was unclear.

Although Feier was nervous, she still managed to stabilize herself. She slowly stepped forward, knelt on the futon, kowtowed to her head respectfully, and said, "Feier paid my respects to the old lady and came to the house to disturb me for several days, but I couldn't." It was Fei'er's fault for kowtowing to the old lady in time, please forgive me!"

"Hey, this little mouth is quite sweet. No wonder it made Ziqi's wooden peg fall in love!"

I don't know who said something, which made everyone laugh. The old lady said: "You guys are not good, be careful of scaring this girl. Hurry, Mingyue, help her up."

The maid who put the futon just now came forward immediately and helped Fei'er up.

"Girl, come here and let me see you."

The old lady sitting at the top smiled and waved to Feier, with a round smiling face and kind eyes. Fei'er shyly stepped forward and was pulled by Mrs. La to look at her for a long time before saying, "She is really handsome. Let me see, she is even more handsome than that girl from Chaoyang!"

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