Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 865 Recognition (6)

"Hey, grandma, don't say this out loud. If Chaoyang hears it, you'll make a fuss. "

"Hmph, my old lady is still afraid of her? If she dares to come here and act mischievous, my wife will teach her on behalf of the Queen."

"What grandma said is that although Chaoyang is unruly and willful, he has always been respectful to grandma and did not dare to neglect her at all..."

While everyone was chatting, Caiwei secretly glanced at the old lady and found that the old lady was dressed very plainly, only wearing a lake-blue trousers and a sky-blue horse-faced skirt. , there is not even a flower embroidered on it, there is a gold ingot bun on the head, a plain silver flat hairpin, a maroon forehead wipe, and a pair of jade pendants in the ears, other than that Apart from that, there is no other decoration on the body. This dress does not look like a dignified queen mother, a first-class lady of the Jin Dynasty, but like an ordinary old man talking to his grandchildren in an amiable manner.

After the old lady spoke to them, she patted Mayfair's hand kindly and said, "Go and meet the aunts and uncles, as well as your sisters-in-law and sisters."

Fei'er didn't know what was going on, thinking that people were being polite to her, so she followed Mingyue and visited the elders of Duke Li Guo's mansion one by one.

Although Duke Liguo's mansion is the home of a century-old clan, its population is not very prosperous. The old lady Liu gave birth to two sons and two daughters. The eldest daughter was the first queen of Emperor Ming of Jin Dynasty. Later, one died and two died during childbirth. Today's Queen Mo is the daughter of the old lady Liu.

In addition to these two daughters, the old lady also has two sons. The eldest son, Mo Yuanshan, is a minister of the Ministry of Rites. He is married to Wu, the eldest daughter of the Marquis of Jian'an Mansion. Wu has two sons. The eldest son, Mo Zijing, is thirty years old. Years old, married and had children; the Wu family gave birth to two more daughters after Mo Zijing, one of whom died in infancy, and the other married the eldest son of Han Zhicai, the governor of Lin'an Prefecture; Zimo Ziqi is the daughter of the Wu family. She is unmarried and has a cold temperament. She is already twenty years old, but she is not sure about kissing and has never been close to women.

The other son of the old lady, Mo Qingshan, had never been an official because of his own frailty. He married his wife Bai and gave birth to only one son, Mo Zili. Now he is eighteen years old and has already chosen Wu Xiangyun, his sister-in-law's niece, as his wife. If nothing happened at home, he would have brought his new wife home by now.

"This is the eldest lady!" Mingyue led Fei'er and introduced her in a soft voice.

Fei'er hurriedly got down and went to see the gift: "Fei'er would like to say hello to the eldest lady!"

Mrs. Wu pulled her up with a smile and looked at her from head to toe. The more she looked at her, the more satisfied she became. She kept saying, "Okay!"

"This is the second lady!"

"Greetings to the Second Madam!" Before Fei'erfu could get down, the Second Madam Bai had already held her hand and refused to let her salute any more.

"Good boy, stop being so polite. Thanks to you, otherwise our whole family would think that boy Ziqi is going to become a monk."

Fei'er's face heated up, knowing that she had been misunderstood by everyone, but she was a girl with a thin skin, and they didn't explain. She didn't know how to explain to them, so she had to blush and bite the bullet and continue to pay her respects. .

"This is grandma."

Before Fei'er could salute, Mo Zijing's wife, Yang, supported her and said with a smile, "Sister, please stop doing this, you are hurting me."

The old lady chuckled and said, "You are all the same, but you are the older one and she is the younger one, so you should receive a courtesy from her."

When Yang heard what the old lady said, she let go of her hand and leaned sideways to receive a half salute from Fei'er.

"This is the eldest young lady of the eldest son's family, this is the second young lady, this is the third young lady, this is the fourth young lady..."

Fei'er broke out in a sweat. The four young ladies who wandered around here ranged from twelve to five years old. It seemed that the eldest young master's wife had given birth to four daughters in one breath but no son. No wonder everyone was looking forward to marrying Mo Ziqi. As for his wife giving birth to a son, it seems that the Yang family is under enough pressure. If he can't give birth to another son, he is afraid that his concubine will make her debut...

After the introduction, Fei'er felt dizzy. She never expected that there would be so many people in the big family, and she couldn't even remember who was who.

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