
Caiwei rubbed his little head and looked at him with a smile. It could be seen that this little guy was doing well in the nursing home. He was dressed neatly and neatly. Even his hair was smooth and clean. Not greasy.

"Well, what about Xiniu and Zhaodi, can they all go?" Goudan'er asked nervously.

"Of course, sister Juhua already said, let's all go." Shen Juhua bent down, pinched Goudan's nose, picked him up and stuffed him into the car.

Everyone got in the car and went to the city happily.

Being with these people, Caiwei felt very relaxed. She suddenly thought of the aunt of the Shen family who could cover the sky with her hands and the sister who was a concubine. She couldn't help gossiping: "Juhua, how is your aunt Yan at home?"

Shen Juhua curled her lips and said, "Dead. "

"Oh!" Caiwei understood and didn't ask any more.

Aunt Yan deceived County Magistrate Shen, replacing plums with peaches, and asked Magistrate Shen to raise other people's children for several years. She almost became enemies with her first wife and daughter because of her. What's even more detestable is that she also gave Magistrate Shen He was drugged so that he could never have any more children in this life. Although Magistrate Shen had left the bloodline of Shen Juhua, his daughter would be someone else's family sooner or later. How could she be compared with his son? Therefore, Magistrate Shen must have poisoned her. , will never leave her life behind.

I only wonder where those two spoiled fat boys are, and the arrogant and domineering Shen Furong. Last time I heard that she was going to marry the governor of Bianzhou to fill a house. I wonder if she is married now?

I must ask Juhua about these things tonight...

The county seat of Qingxian County is still as prosperous as usual. Although it is already evening, the streets are more lively than during the day. The street stalls have been set up. Many people who have had dinner are leisurely strolling in the evening market. Occasionally, Stop at a small stall and look at the items for sale.

The driver of the Shen Mansion drove the car directly to the door of He's Roast Duck. Everyone walked in one after another, asked for the best private room upstairs, sat down, and ordered food.

When Dunzhu and Danzhu heard from the waiter that Caiwei was coming, they hurriedly put down their hands and rushed from the kitchen to see Caiwei.

After not seeing each other for a few days, the sisters were a little fatter than when they last met. Their faces were a little less inferior and timid than before, and a little more confident and calm.

"Miss, you're here, we can now roast the duck independently."

"Moreover, we have also learned how to make lotus leaf cakes and sweet noodle sauce."

As soon as they met, the two sisters were eager to report their study progress to Caiwei, "When can we follow you?"

Caiwei said: "Don't worry, go and roast two ducks for us. After we have eaten, we will decide whether you two will stay or go."

Dunzhu and Danzhu heard this and went down to prepare. At this time, Caiwei suddenly discovered that Goudan'er was missing. To be precise, he didn't come in with them at all.

"Huh? Where's Goudan'er?"

Caiwei stood up and walked outside: "You guys wait here, I'll go out and look for her."

Juhua said, "Caiwei, it's dark outside, I'll go with you."

"Don't!" Caiwei stopped her, "I can go alone. If anything happens, I have to take care of you. Besides, I saw that kid when I got off the car just now. He can't run far." ."

Just as he was talking, Goudan'er ran in panting, his round face flushed, and he looked a little excited.

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