"Goudan'er, where have you been? How can you run around casually? Didn't you even tell your sister?" Caiwei asked seriously.

Goudan'er licked his lips, stretched out his little hand hidden behind his back, and handed it to Caiwei: "Sister, this is for you!"

On the small palm is a jade hairpin of rough workmanship. The texture is turbid and yellow, and it is obvious at a glance that it is inferior jade.

"Where did this come from?"

Caiwei did not take the jade hairpin, but looked at him sternly.

Goudan'er had never seen Sister Caiwei look so stern before. He was startled. He licked his lips and said timidly: "Sister, I bought this with the money you gave us last time. Grandpa." Buy me some candies, I'll save them all and save them to buy you this hairpin..."

The little kid's eyes were bright and timid, but he did not lower his head, but looked at her sincerely. His little hand was half-raised, as if he was holding the most precious thing in the world, stubborn and Then he stayed firmly in front of Caiwei.

Caiwei's heart warmed, she took the rough hairpin and put it in front of her face to examine it.

To be honest, this hairpin is of the lowest quality in terms of workmanship and texture. It is undoubtedly the worst among Caiwei's jewelry. However, in Goudan'er's eyes, this hairpin is expensive. He bought it with all his money, so it is excellent.

At Goudan'er's age, he is the age where he is greedy, but he can save money from his own mouth and buy something that he thinks is very decent for his benefactor. This shows that this child is a thoughtful and grateful person. Report, kind-hearted, this child, she did not help in vain!

"Sister, do you look good?"

He asked nervously, staring at Caiwei closely with a pair of big black grape-like eyes, lest she say the word "dislike".

Caiwei laughed, touched his little face and said, "It looks good. My sister likes it very much."

As she said that, she inserted the hairpin into her head. There was originally a green bamboo hairpin on her head, which her father carved for her and Fei'er during the Chinese New Year. Caiwei didn't like tedious dressing up. So she often takes out the hairpin carved by her father and wears it.

When Goudan'er saw Sister Caiwei put the hairpin he bought on his head, he narrowed his eyes with joy and opened his mouth wide. He was so happy!

"This kid is really thoughtful. It's hard for him to repay his kindness at such a young age!" Mrs. Cui looked at Goudan'er lovingly and praised her.

Not long after, the waiter brought over the roast duck. The roast duck was brown and crispy, plus thin lotus leaf pancakes, and smeared with fragrant sweet sauce. It was really delicious. While Caiwei was eating, she was picking up vegetables for the little ones. The little ones ate deliciously, so everyone let go and ate a lot.

When we finished eating, there was no food left on the table!

Dunzhu and Danzhu only appeared when they went downstairs to check out, with nervous expressions on their faces.

"Miss, we..."

Caiwei stretched out two fingers and said: "First, come with me to the capital tomorrow morning; second, wait for me here. I will come back in a month and take you to Lingbei."

"No, miss, we are not going back." Both sisters shouted nervously.

Caiwei said: "The Great Khan of Lingbei has issued a new decree. Within three years, women in Lingbei are not allowed to perform the daughter ceremony, and those who violate it will have their hands chopped off. Think about it, should you take advantage of this time to go back to Lingbei?" Look at your parents and relatives. After passing this village, there is no such shop!"

"Miss, are you telling the truth? In three years, will there really be no more girls in Lingbei to give birth to daughters?" the sisters asked in disbelief.

"It's absolutely true. I was with you Khan when this decree was promulgated. You two should think about it carefully tonight and decide where to go. Go to Shen's Mansion tomorrow morning and tell me the answer."

Several people walked out of He's Roast Duck and went directly to Shen's Mansion. At this time, it was already dark outside. I wonder if anyone in the camp had gone to bed? Have Luoxue and Helanna taken action?

Caiwei held up the car curtain, looked at the bright moon in the sky, and listened to the monotonous rumble of the wheels, her heart had already flown to the camp...

In the camp, Helanna sat in Chaoyang's tent, waiting nervously and excitedly.

She must perform well tonight to make King Qin fall in love with her. Even if he falls in love with her body, she will admit it. As long as she can stay by his side, replace Mu Caiwei as his woman, and let her be silent. She is willing to do even the meanest things!

Chaoyang went to the man's tent to help her arrange it. She would leave when the man was about to go to sleep. When she left, she would light "mosquito incense" for him, and that incense would make a person's blood swell and go crazy like a wild beast.

Chaoyang didn't keep her waiting for too long, and soon came back with Luoxue.

"Go quickly, I've already said hello to the soldiers guarding the tent, and told them that you were delivering something for me."

Chaoyang pushed Helana and whispered: "My brother has deep feelings for Mu Caiwei, so you must not say anything. If he finds out that it is you, he will throw you out."

"I see!"

Helana said sheepishly, lowered her head, and walked quickly towards the man's tent. Behind her, Luoxue looked at her back absentmindedly, her heart aching for a while.

Chaoyang saw her devastated look, hugged her shoulders and comforted her, saying, "Sister Luoxue, please don't be sad. For you, I even betrayed my brother. When you become my brother's side, you have to help me." I'll try to persuade him a little bit so that he doesn't hate me too much!"

Luoxue twitched her lips and said, "Yu'er, don't worry, if one day I can achieve my wish, I will definitely not forget Yu'er's help."

Helanna quietly walked to King Qin's tent, and as Xiang Chaoyang said, the soldiers did not stop her and allowed her to enter the tent as if they had not seen her. "

The tent was dark with no lights, and only a faint ray of moonlight shone through the door of the tent. The slight light was almost negligible, but with this gleam of light, Helanna found the bed where the man slept. .

The person on the bed had melted into the darkness and could not see him clearly, but he could hear his heavy breathing, which was getting faster and faster, like a war drum beating on the battlefield, which was thrilling.

Fragrant, it works!

There was a burst of joy in her heart, and she gently took off her clothes, climbed onto the couch, and leaned against him.

The moment she came into contact with the man, she was pleasantly surprised to feel that the man's body was as hot as fire, so hot that she felt as if she had been burned with a branding iron. He had probably been tortured by this fragrance for a long time, and he was already suffering from the pain and couldn't bear it. Got it!

When the man sensed the woman's presence, he immediately turned around and pounced over like a tiger, completely engulfing Helana!

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