Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 872 Fight between men and women (1)

As the smell in the tent grew stronger, the man became obviously more anxious. He pulled her belt off, his throat growling like a hungry beast.

Helana tried her best to cooperate with him. The pain in her body did not dilute the joy in her heart. She did not expect that one day she would be able to get along with him so intimately. Even if it was a dream, even if she did not succeed this time, it was worth it!

Mu Caiwei, he is no longer your man, haha----

Late at night, the moon is moving, the fragrance is getting thicker, the tent is topsy-turvy, and there is a violent wind and rain.

The two of them were controlled by the overbearing fragrance, and they tossed around like crazy all night, and it wasn't until the fourth watch that they hugged each other and fell asleep...

There were quite a few people who were awake that night. Shen Juhua took Caiwei and Gao Sanchun, squeezed them together on the same couch, and talked to each other all night long.

Shen Juhua loves to talk, and she did most of the talking that night. Caiwei and Sanchun were listening, and she was talking about the messy things at home.

Aunt Yan at home has been hanged, and the two younger brothers were sent back to their hometown in the countryside. As a result, they encountered robbers on the road. Unfortunately, the two younger brothers were killed. Only Shen Furong is still alive and has been married to Bianzhou Prefecture. Lord Yin’s house filling, I heard that Lord Fu Yin is quite fond of her...

Caiwei listened indifferently, almost with one ear and one ear. She had no intention of listening to Juhua's trivial matters. At this moment, she was preoccupied with thinking about what Nangong Yi's man was doing. ? Tonight, Helanna will implement her obscene plan. I don't know how the man can deal with her plan?

Although she knew that the man would never let her get what she wanted, she still felt strange when she thought of her man being coveted like that...

Also unable to sleep like her was Nangong Yu, Princess of Chaoyang.

All night long, she tossed and turned like a pancake without feeling any sleep at all.

She also knew that it was not good to design her brother like this, but for her brother's great cause and for her mother, she had to do this.

My brother has been deceived by Mu Caiwei's charming child. She will do whatever she says. That foxy child will not help his future career and will only hinder him. As long as she is here, he will not be able to discuss the marriage. Moreover, she was jealous by nature and dared to imagine that her brother would marry her to a woman in this life. Such a woman was simply a disaster. If she stayed with her brother, she would be in endless trouble. Therefore, she had to find a way. Driving her away from her brother, didn't she threaten to be with her brother for the rest of their lives? Today, my brother is sleeping with another woman who is a hundred times nobler than her. Let’s see what she can do?

It would be best if she could fall out with her brother and leave. Even if she doesn't fall out, with Princess Helana here, she will no longer want to be her brother's main concubine, and can only make do with being a side concubine or a concubine. That’s all, without her status, I’m afraid she can’t come up with any tricks!

However, that bitch is my brother's pet and petty heart. If he plots against them like this, will his brother be annoyed with him?

She was restless and stayed up all night. Before dawn, she got up with a pair of dark circles under her eyes and called Luoxue out to inquire about her brother's affairs.

Luoxue didn't sleep last night either. Just overnight, the circles under her eyes were black and blue, and her face was frighteningly white, like a terrifying female ghost. After hearing Chaoyang's instructions, she impatiently walked towards Nangong Yi's tent.

However, as soon as he walked out of the main tent, he saw Nangong Yi's subordinate Zhui Feng guarding there. When he saw her, he said expressionlessly: "The King of Qin ordered me to stay here. If the princess wakes up, please stay with her." Go down and see King Qin."

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