Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 873 Fight between men and women (2)

Luoxue was startled. When she heard that King Qin had asked Princess Chaoyang to go see him, she asked with a guilty conscience: "Guard Feng, I wonder why King Qin asked Princess Chaoyang to go there so early in the morning?"

Zhui Feng said coldly: "Is it our slave's right to ask what the master wants to do? Or does Miss Luoxue think she is already the master?"

Luoxue choked and had no choice but to shut up and go back to the tent to invite Princess Chaoyang.

When Princess Chaoyang heard that her brother was looking for her early in the morning, she knew that what happened last night must have happened, and she was anxious.

"Sister Luoxue, what should I do? Brother, will he scold me? What should I do? What should I do if he wants to punish me?"

Luoxue is also very scared. She has been with Nangong Yi for a while and has some understanding of Nangong Yi's temper. Although this man seems gentle and harmless, once he gets angry, he is definitely not easy to fool. But now, she is afraid It's useless, we can only take one step at a time.

"What are you afraid of, princess? You are His Highness's biological sister, and His Highness has always doted on you. What else can he do to you? At worst, he will scold you, but he won't lose a piece of meat. In exchange for that Hu Meizi leaving King Qin, this deal It’s still a good deal."

After being comforted by her, Chaoyang felt relieved. After getting dressed, he lowered his head and followed Zhui Feng, feeling uneasy.

It’s just that the path we’re taking isn’t right!

She clearly remembered that her brother's tent was pitched on the southern hillside, but Zhui Feng led them north.

"Hey, Guard Feng, I remember that my brother's tent seems to be in the south. Did you go the wrong way?"

Chai Feng didn't even look back, "That's right, King Qin felt that the fragrance the princess ordered last night was overpowering, so he temporarily changed the tent and went to sleep somewhere else."



Chaoyang and Luoxue screamed at the same time, looking at each other with their faces pale!

"Brother, how can he change his place to live? Where did he go last night? Who slept in his tent last night?"

Zhui Feng didn't stop, and as he walked, a sarcastic smile crossed his lips, and he said coolly: "Your Highness and Meng Nu Khan changed tents to sleep!"

Chaoyang and Luoxue froze!

Now, no matter how dull they are, they still know why Nangong Yi didn't sleep in his tent. He seemed to have known about their tricks, so he avoided them and punished He Lanna, who had evil intentions. And Nangong Yi seemed not to let them go, otherwise he would not have found them early in the morning.

Nangong Yu and Luo Xue's faces were pale and their hearts were agitated. They followed Zhui Feng tremblingly to a mountain forest outside the camp.

The morning light is dim and everything is silent.

At this moment, in the early morning mountain forest, some light mist has not yet dispersed, and the scenery in the mist is not clear yet. Only the dewdrops on the branches and leaves nearby can be seen, and in the distance there is only a hazy silhouette, which is chaotic. Intertwined.

In the mist, a man stood with his back to them and his hands behind a huge poplar tree. The figure was as tall and straight as a jade tree, wearing a silver-white robe with arrow-sleeves and a purple gold crown. Reflecting the hazy woods behind him and the faint morning sky, the usually lazy and evil figure actually appeared. When the loneliness and coldness came, it was King Nangong Yi of Qin.

Maybe he heard the footsteps, he turned around, his eyes fell directly on Chaoyang, with a bit of alienation and disappointment, his eyes that seemed to be looking through her, so that Chaoyang had not yet reached his side. When I was around him, I felt so guilty that I wanted to run away.

Luoxue was also frightened to the point of numbness with her scalp, but if he ran away now, it would be more solid that they were plotting against him, so she could only hold on, and she pushed secretly. Princess Chaoyang wants her to calm down.

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