Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 875 Fight between men and women (4)


Luoxue yelled and flew to the ground, letting Nangong Yu fall on top of her.

Nangong Yu fell down. Although there was a flesh pad between her and there was no pain from the fall, the man slapped her with such force that her nose and mouth started to bleed. One side of her cheek swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. The originally delicate face was His little face instantly swelled into half a pig's head.

"Brother, you hit me?"

Nangong Yu covered her burning face and stared blankly at the angry man, confused!

Nangong Yiqi's face turned blue, and the veins on his forehead popped out. He pointed at Nangong Yu and said word for word: "Buddha said that if you have a Buddha in your heart, everything will look like a Buddha; if you have a dirty heart, who will you look at?" They are all dirty, Nangong Yu, you can have dirty thoughts, but don’t use your dirty thoughts to measure her. She is not you, she is much nobler than you. At least, she will not sacrifice innocent people for a scum like Saknu. People who poison themselves will not trick people into drinking hot house wine or do such shameless and dirty things..."

The biggest scar was ruthlessly uncovered by her closest relatives. Nangong Yu was instantly bleeding from the pain, her lips were trembling, and her voice was broken.

"Brother...that's how you miss me?"

Nangong Yi sneered and looked at her with no warmth in his eyes: "How do you want me to miss you? Or are you telling Caiwei that you poisoned Caiwei and gave Saknu the warm house wine? It turns out, I I thought those two things were caused by you being young and frivolous and mistaking the traitor. Unexpectedly, you have reached this stage and still don’t want to repent. You also want to use such low and abusive tactics against your brother, Nangong Yu. , you really disappoint me!"

Nangong Yu stood up tremblingly with Luo Xue's support. Her body was trembling, and her little face was almost covered in tears.

"Brother...I hate you..."

She cried, pushed away Luoxue who was supporting her, and staggered away. At the same time, she also understood that in her brother's world, she was no longer the treasure he held in his hands. That woman was far away. Much more precious than her….

Luoxue hurriedly chased after her, shouting: "Hey, princess----"

Just after running two steps, a rope suddenly caught her. Before she could see clearly who was on the other end of the rope, she was pulled up in the air with a fierce force and flew in front of Nangong Yi.

"Kneel down!"

Zhui Feng pulled one end of the rope and kicked Luo Xue in the crook of her leg, knocking her to her knees in front of Nangong Yi.

Nangong Yi looked at her condescendingly, without any warmth in his eyes.

"You are the one who started this incident!"

Luoxue bit her lip and looked at him deeply. She neither denied nor admitted.

After following Nangong Yi for a while, she got to know him somewhat. Now, no matter whether she admits it or denies it, he will not let her off easily. He simply doesn't speak and lets him do what he wants. There is nothing to regret in his hands!

Surprisingly, Nangong Yi did not deal with her, but said coldly: "I know it was you who did it. Chaoyang and Helanna are as stupid as pigs and cannot think of such a way. However, seeing as you have done it to me For the sake of staying with my mother during her most difficult time, and for the fact that you have taken care of Chaoyang with all your heart, I will let you go this time. However, you will not be so lucky next time... "

Nangong Yi would not easily let go of those who plotted against him, but this time, he was indeed lenient with Luo Xue. The reason was just as he said, when his mother and sister were in the most difficult time, Luo Xue followed and stayed with her. He couldn't remain indifferent, let alone put her to death just because of one mistake.

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