Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 876 Fight between men and women (5)

When Luoxue was tied up with the rope, she thought she was doomed, but when she heard that Nangong Yi was willing to let her go, hope suddenly rose in her heart.

According to her understanding of King Qin, King Qin would never easily let go of those who plotted against him. This time, he let her go so easily without even any punishment. Could it be because she was in danger when the Queen and Chaoyang were in danger? Will she never leave you? Maybe, he is a little bit interested in himself...

In Nangong Yi's coach's tent, Helanna woke up under the impact of the man. She opened her hazy sleepy eyes and saw the man buried on her body. He was moving hard with his head lowered, and his black hair blocked the way. His face became a bit more mysterious.


She murmured, showing a lingering smile, and reached out to brush away the dark hair in front of the man.

The man was working hard. When he saw the woman suddenly woke up, he raised his head and grinned. There was a completely unfamiliar face in his disheveled black hair.

Helana was stunned and let the man hit her. It took her a long time to come back to her senses. She grabbed her hair, stared, and screamed heartbreakingly.


A deafening cry penetrated the sky above the entire camp, frightening all the parrots that landed on the tent to fly away.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Where is King Qin?" She cried, breaking away from the man's body while pushing and beating him hard.

Tuoba Kui's face darkened. For a Mengnu man who puts men first, the greatest shame is when a woman goes to bed with a woman and the woman calls out another man's name, especially because the woman dares to call him Another man's name, and she still disliked him.

With a sullen face, he pinched Helana's neck, raised his hand, and slapped her hard, causing her head to tilt to one side and blood to flow from the corner of her mouth.

"Woman, remember this for Ben Khan. Since you are lying under Ben Khan, you are not allowed to call other men's names. Do you understand?"

Helanna had always been domineering, and after being so irritated, when she was threatened by him, she immediately screamed and became violent. She suddenly stretched out her hand and scratched Tuoba Kui's cheek with her sharp nails.

Tuoba Kui didn't expect that she would be so aggressive, and he was trying to teach her a lesson when he was caught off guard by her. He couldn't dodge, but he was caught by her, and his face suddenly became hot.


He wiped his face and saw blood stains on his palms. The scratched area on his face started to hurt, and it seemed that the scratching was serious.

"Woman, how dare you tickle me?"

Tuoba Kui was furious. In Mengnu, women's status was low. They could give away people and goods at will like cattle and sheep. They would never dare to resist men.

But this woman, who was already his, dared to resist him. Not only that, but she also scratched him. This made Tuoba Kui almost crazy. He jumped off the bed, grabbed Helana's hair and pulled her away. He was dragged off the couch, picked up the belt on the edge of the couch, and started beating him hard.

Helanna was willing to suffer a loss, and Wan Guer started fighting with him. However, how could she, a delicate and weak woman, be a match for this tough man? The man beat her harder and harder, until her skin was torn and there was no good spot left on her body.

What's even more sad is that when she came here last night, she was afraid of being disturbed, so she didn't bring her two guards. Now she suffered a loss. She was beaten until she cried like a wolf, but no one paid her any attention. . Nangong Yi's soldiers who were guarding the door of the tent heard it, but King Qin gave the order last night that no matter what kind of movement happened inside, they were not allowed to disturb it.

Helana was beaten until her flesh and blood were everywhere, and she could no longer hold on. The severe pain forced her to put her pride and dignity aside and kneel down to beg for mercy. Tuoba Kui humiliated her hard for a while, and then he let her go until he was tired!

At this moment, the dying Helanna felt like she was dying. She was obviously with Nangong Yi last night. The two of them were in full swing of love all night, but why did she turn into this savage man when she woke up? Moreover, he beat her like an animal.

Oh my God! What the hell is going on!

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