Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 879 Hug the thigh (3)

Caiwei was tickled by him, she smiled and dodged, and asked: "Hey, you have designed Helanna and Tuoba Kui to be together. Aren't you afraid that Tuoba Kui will use the power of Xianbei to harm our Jin Dynasty in the future?" "


Nangong Yi laughed and said disdainfully: "The strength of Xianbei and Dajin are about the same. He dare not take risks easily. Besides, Helanna and Tuoba Kui have very different moods. Sooner or later, they will be incompatible with each other and fight to the death." Yes, by then, Xianbei will be lucky enough not to destroy the Meng slaves, so how can we help them attack our Jin Dynasty?"

Caiwei thought about it and felt that what the man said made sense. Helana was stupid and arrogant, and Mengnu's men were all patriarchal. The two of them would definitely not be able to get along.However, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the worst. Tuoba Dai is an ambitious man, and he has no choice but to surrender to the Jin Dynasty this time. What if he harbors evil intentions and coaxes Helanna into helping him deal with the Jin Dynasty?

Thinking like this, she asked what she was thinking.

Nangong Yi heard this and sneered, "Even if they join forces to deal with Da Jin, we can still defeat them. Don't forget, my husband also has a magical weapon that he secretly learned from his wife!"

"Magical weapon? What magical weapon?" Caiwei was confused and stared at the man stupidly.

Nangong Yi smiled proudly, pinched her cheek and said, "Have you forgotten how your husband dealt with Tianjizi? If it weren't for the magic weapon provided by you, how could Tianjizi be killed so easily by us? ?"

Caiwei was dumbfounded, "You made guns on a large scale?"

Nangong Yi sighed: "My husband would like to manufacture it on a large scale. Unfortunately, the requirements for the parts of the gun are too stringent. There are not many blacksmiths in the world who can reach that level of technology. In addition, black powder is expensive and it is difficult to make a bullet." It's not easy, so I only have a dozen spears in my husband's hands, which he puts in the vanguard every time he attacks a city to frighten the enemy!"

No wonder this guy attacked the city so fast. It turned out that he relied on the power of the gun. Caiwei lowered her face and said, "I brought the gun to deal with Tianjizi. I didn't expect you to use it without permission and get injured on the battlefield. The lethality of that thing is too great. If it spreads, I don’t know how many people will die on it. Therefore, I don’t want you to use that thing to kill people again. Please note that killing is too heavy and goes against the harmony of nature. Don’t let me because of you. Decisions that create karma."

Nangong Yi saw the angry expression on her face and her tone was unprecedentedly stern. He immediately said: "Madam, my husband has a total of sixty-two guns. When we set up camp at night, they will all be handed over to my wife. I guarantee that I will I won't use it anymore, and I won't make it anymore. Are you satisfied, madam?"

Seeing the man's good attitude in admitting his mistakes, Caiwei's face softened a little. She said calmly: "It's not that I'm stingy, it's just that life is at stake, so I have to do this. I hope you can understand."

Nangong Yi sighed: "Silly girl, how could my husband think you are stingy? If you hadn't delivered military rations to my husband in time and boosted his morale, I'm afraid the Northern Expedition would have caused a mutiny, and how could my husband have survived?" On the day when I return to the court in victory, I will have already returned to my father in disgrace to confess my sins!"

Nangong Yi was grateful to Caiwei, but rarely expressed his gratitude. This time he expressed his thoughts frankly, probably because he was afraid that Caiwei would feel uncomfortable because he was not allowed to use the gun, so he cut him open. He found out his own thoughts to resolve her doubts.

Caiwei understood the man's thoughts. Although she was moved in her heart, she did not say it out loud. She just hugged his lean waist tightly, put her head on his shoulder, and snuggled with him quietly...

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