Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 880 Hug the thigh (4)

Between them, there is no need to use words to express their feelings. Just a look or an action is enough to let the other party understand their thoughts...


After Nangong Yi left, Tuoba Kui couldn't calm down anymore. He slept with the princess of Xianbei Kingdom and beat her half to death. If the king of Xianbei Kingdom wanted to take revenge on him, he could kill him with a snap of his fingers. Knead into powder.

It is obviously impossible to hide this matter. They made such a fuss last night. I am afraid that the hundreds of thousands of Jin troops have already known about it. Sooner or later, it will be spread to the ears of the Xianbei Kingdom; or, they will be coaxed into She changed her mind and allowed her to become her own woman willingly.

However, this method does not seem to be feasible. The man Helanna likes is Nangong Yi, and the gap between him and Nangong Yi is not just a little bit. She would never fall in love with herself, and there was no need for her to humiliate herself.

Like a trapped animal, he thought of one idea after another, but was overthrown one by one. Until the army set off, he still couldn't come up with a complete idea.

After setting off from the small town, the army passed through Qingxian County, then headed south to the next city.

Along the way, Tuoba Kui sent people several times to inquire about Helanna's injuries, but the results he got were not good. Helanna's skin was torn apart by him, and her whole body was injured. One of her ribs and one arm were broken by him. Now she is lying half-dead in the car, dying. Although she received treatment in time, she could not die, but she was so serious. How can one withstand the fatigue of travel and travel despite his injuries?

At night, the army came to a town called Halahai and set up camp on the edge of the town. He took the opportunity to check on Helanna and found that she was indeed seriously injured. She was wrapped in layers of gauze, like a Zongzi, a lifeless rice dumpling, had been in a coma for a whole day, with no water or rice, no maid to take care of her, and only two rough guards around her. If this continued, he felt that she would be tortured to death before returning to the capital. of!

Tuoba Kui didn't want her to die. He thought about it for a long time and decided to leave Helanna in Halahai Town to recover from her injuries, and then sent a few close men to guard her here. When her injuries were almost healed, he asked her men to According to the custom of Mengnu, she will be circumcised. At that time, she will no longer be able to find another man and can only live with him obediently. It is best that the madness last night can make her pregnant. If so, , the king and queen of Xianbei Kingdom would have to admit their relationship, and he could continue to be his Mengnu Great Khan without fail!

Thinking of this, he calmed down after being anxious for a day and asked his men to go out to find a house and buy a girl.

It's easy to do things if you have money. The men only went out for an hour and bought the house and the servants. Tuoba Kui personally led the people and carried Helanna to the newly purchased house. He also looked at the two purchases. The girl and mother-in-law were very satisfied and placed Helanna here.

Among the two newly purchased girls, one was called Cai Ping. She had thin skin and white flesh, and was quite pretty. When she saw Tuoba Kui looking rich and powerful, she was so charming that she let out twelve ways to seduce him.

Tuoba Kui was so aroused by her that he had sex with her once on a seat outside. Although the picker was very promiscuous, she was still a virgin, and the taste was several notches higher than He Lanna's last night. Tuoba Kui, who had always been picky, immediately lost interest in this second-hand product. After pulling up his trousers, he coldly asked her to take good care of his master, and then left without any regrets, not even giving her a hundred cents...

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