Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 883 Calligraphy Practice (2)

"Dad, I know everything. Let's go upstairs and talk!"

Caiwei interrupted him and turned around to walk to the private room on the second floor. There were many people on the first floor. After a while, the waiters and busboys from the restaurant came to work. It would be terrible if someone recognized Nangong Yi.

Nangong Yi followed the father and daughter calmly, and glanced at Chao Yun when he went upstairs, with a hint of warning in his eyes.

Chao Yun lowered his head and smiled bitterly. Even if he didn't come to warn her, she would never talk nonsense, and she would not betray the eldest lady even to death. However, this man can consider the eldest lady so carefully, she is still very careful. happy. !

When they arrived at the private room upstairs, Mu Zhongqing repeated what Chao Yun had just said and made many additions. After listening to Mu Zhongqing's story, Nangong Yi directly mentioned the person who was close to Fei'er. Mrs. Huo brought it up and said: "This Mrs. Huo's behavior is suspicious. If it weren't for her, Huo Qiuduan would not have disappeared for no reason. Feier's robbery must have something to do with her. "

Mu Zhongqing said with a bitter face: "I have also suspected it, but no one knows who Mrs. Huo is? Where does she come from? People from Yingtian Mansion have been checking for several days but they haven't found anything. Now Cao Jin I'm helping to investigate!"

A few people were discussing when Parrot came with a message.

"Master, we found the second lady!"

Caiwei was overjoyed and said eagerly: "Great! Where is she now? Is she okay? Has she been bullied?"

Ying Ge glanced at the girl sitting at the table writing with a red face, and said to the sky: "It's okay. I'm in the Duke Li Guo's Mansion. It's very good..."

In fact, Feier is not doing well at the moment.

Mo Ziqi was standing behind her, holding her hand and teaching her to write stroke by stroke.

They were very close. When the man leaned over to hold her hand, their bodies were actually close to each other. Feier even heard his strong heartbeat and smelled the faint fragrance of his body, which was as light as green bamboo. His face was red, like a ripe persimmon, even his neck and ears were red.

"You should pause like this when you finish the pen, it will look better!" Mo Ziqi held Fei'er's hand and finished writing the last stroke.

"Oh, I see!"

Fei'er agreed obediently and did not raise her head to look at him. She frowned and focused on the tip of her small nose. She sat stiffly on the chair, motionless.

Mo Ziqi looked at the stiff little girl, and a warm smile suddenly appeared on his usually cold face.

Although he rarely does boring things, since this little girl came, all his evil elements were suddenly aroused. He bullied her, teased her, and looked at her clumsy yet cute look. It was really... One of the great pleasures in life is that right now, he is standing beside her, strictly supervising her as she learns to sit. She looks like a primary school child in front of her husband, with her hands on the chair in a very orderly manner. He made fists and placed them on both sides of his knees. His body was straight, with a string of sweat beads hanging on the tip of his cute nose...

"Write the word 'forever' a hundred times again. If you still can't write it well, you won't have to eat lunch!" Mo Ziqi said sternly.


Feier finally raised her head, her red face still showing a broken expression, on the verge of collapse.

"What? Do you have any opinions?" Mo Ziqi's expression became more serious.


Mayfair waved her hands, lowered her head timidly, and concentrated on grabbing the corners of her clothes.

This man was too harsh and would punish her at every turn. He was not at all as gentle as she imagined. Now she was thinking about whether she should...marry him in the future?

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