Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 884 Calligraphy Practice (3)

When Mo Ziqi saw her looking like a pitiful little daughter-in-law, although it satisfied his mischievous heart, when he saw her aggrieved look, he felt a little distressed and said, "I'm going to my grandfather's house." Take a look" and left straight away.

Fei'er flattened her mouth and continued practicing calligraphy with a grimace. Hey, if she had known she would meet such a picky man like Mo Ziqi, she had been studying and literacy with her father at home. Why should she be like this now and be looked at by him? If you are low or get scolded by him, hey!

Feier picked up the pen resignedly and continued to write. Before she had written two lines, she heard a low smile like a silver bell coming from behind: "Little aunt!"

The visitor is Mo Shuya, the eldest daughter of Mo Ziqi's eldest brother Mo Zijing and the eldest daughter of the Mo family's grandchildren. Mo Shuya is twelve years old, one year older than Fei'er. She is lively, smart and enthusiastic. Such a cute girl.

Fei'er turned around and corrected: "Just call me Fei'er. You are calling people randomly. Be careful that I ignore you."

Mo Shuya is not afraid of her. After getting along with her for a few days, she can feel Fei'er's kindness and innocence. Although she doesn't let them call her "little aunt", even if they call her, Fei'er will not ignore them seriously. .

"Hey! I'm here to help you with good intentions, but you're trying to teach me a lesson. Do you want to bully me, a junior, just because you're the elder?"

Feier was confused: "Who bullied you? Stop talking nonsense. By the way, what are you going to help me? How to help me? ?

Mo Shuya pointed to the brush in her hand and said proudly: "I'm here to help you write big characters. I guarantee you can fool my fourth uncle."

Fei'er was overjoyed and was about to say thank you when she suddenly thought of the man's stern face. She shrank her neck and gave up the idea of ​​finding help.

"Forget it, I'll do it myself. If he finds out that I asked you for help, he might fine me two hundred!"

She grimaced and rejected Shu Ya's kindness. Shu Ya's expression froze. She was ordered by her fourth uncle to help her. If she didn't help her, the Liao Dan sword that her fourth uncle promised to her would be gone. No, that won’t work!

Shu Ya came forward with a smile, took a look at Fei'er's handwriting, and immediately raised her forehead and said: "Little aunt, are you sure that your fourth uncle will not punish you to write it four hundred times after reading your handwriting? Anyway, I read it, I already have the heart to punish you to death..."

Feier raised her face and said bitterly, "Is it really that ugly?"

Shu Ya looked into her eyes and nodded seriously: "It's absolutely true!"

"Oh, what can we do!" Feier cried with a sad face, looking like she had been beaten by frost.

"It's easy, let me help you!" Shu Ya patted her chest, looking very generous.

At this time, Fei'er no longer hesitated, and immediately stood up and gave up her seat, letting Shu Ya say the word "forever" for her, while she helped others pour tea and fan themselves.


After Caiwei learned that Feier had not been wronged in the Liguo Palace, she felt relieved and told her father about Feier's current location and situation. Mu Zhongqing was stunned when he heard that, and he spoke like a wandering ghost. : "Why is Fei'er in Duke Li's Mansion? Could it be that people from Duke Li's Mansion kidnapped her, but that's not possible. I often heard from guests in the restaurant that Duke Li's Mansion has always been loyal. Renyi, you shouldn't do anything to rob civilian girls, but why is Fei'er in the Liguo Palace?"

"Fei'er was definitely not kidnapped by Duke Li's mansion, I can guarantee that." Nangong Yi said.

Mu Zhongqing said: "Mr. Nangong, how do you know that Fei'er was not kidnapped by Duke Li's mansion? Did you see the situation at that time? Why do you guarantee this?"

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