Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 901 He Lanxue’s Resentment (5)

Hearing He Lanxue's sad cries, Nangong Shi turned his head impatiently and roared with red eyes. Ever since he kicked He Lanxue's child away, the two of them had been at war with each other. They didn't need to pretend to be in love like before, just directly Revealed his truest side.

He Lanxue was sad in her heart, but she didn't dare to cry anymore. She wiped away her tears, lowered her head, and bit her lips to prevent herself from whimpering sadly, but she hated the man who killed her child and ruined her life.

"Come here, prepare a car for me. I want to go to the palace to see my father!"

Nangong Shi roared and prepared to enter the palace to see the emperor.

He Lanxue knew that his entry into the palace at this time would anger the emperor, but she did not stop him. Firstly, she would not be able to stop him, but she would be beaten and scolded. Secondly, she resented Nangong Shi and wished that he would be blamed by the emperor. .

Anyway, she is a princess of Xianbei. Even if Nangong Shi is condemned, imprisoned, and sent away, the emperor will not do anything to her. She can ask for a divorce, and then go back to Xianbei to find a suitable husband to marry. It's better than living with this disabled person with no future and violent temper for the rest of his life!

Nangong Shi walked away in a huff, and He Lanxue sneered, raised her chin and went back to her room to rest. As soon as she returned to her yard, the eldest maid Hua Ying beside her came quietly and leaned in her ear. , said: "Princess, I just received a letter from the front yard, saying that the red cotton girl next to the prince has not received her monthly letter this month. It has been seven or eight days. What do you think we should do?"

"Do you still need me to teach you? It's the old way, just do whatever you want to do?"

He Lanxue's face was expressionless, and her slender hand subconsciously touched her belly. Nangong Shi, you cruelly kicked my child to death, and I will let all your children come to bury my child with me. I, He Lanxue, will be here, Don't even think about giving birth to a child, just wait until you have no descendants, hahaha...

Nangong Shi rode the carriage all the way out of the Prince's Mansion and walked to the street outside. Not long after walking on the street, the carriage suddenly stopped.

A tall, thin man in black robes and a bamboo hat stood in front of the carriage with his head bowed, blocking their way.

"Who are you? Get out of the way? Are you blind? You dare to block the road without even looking at whose car it is?"

The guard who opened the way waved his whip, and while shouting, he swung the whip at the man blocking the way.

Unexpectedly, the man was as steady as a mountain and did not move at all. When the whip was about to fall on him, he suddenly stretched out a hand and accurately held the whip in his ear, no matter how hard the guard pulled it. They were motionless.

"what happened?"

When the prince saw that the car had stopped, he opened the car curtain irritably and saw the scene outside. He was furious: "Where is this unruly man from? Knock him aside!"

The man in black clothes and hat slowly raised his head, looked at the prince, and said in a low voice, "Prince, I am Jin Zhong!"

"Jin Zhong? You, you are, Jin Zhong?"

Nangong Shi looked at the expressionless man in astonishment, and quickly remembered what his mother-in-law once said: In this life, apart from you, the person I trust the most is Jin Zhong. If one day, my mother-in-law can no longer protect you. , will let Jin Zhong come to your side and protect you...

When the mother-in-law said this, he was still a child. Although she mentioned Jin Zhong several times, he had never seen Jin Zhong in person. As he grew older, he almost forgot the existence of Jin Zhong. , his sudden appearance today gave Nangong Shi a sense of long-lost closeness, as if an abandoned child had found a relative!

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