Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 902 He Lanxue’s Resentment (6)

"Uh, Jin...  Chong, come up!"

He didn't know what to call Jin Zhong, but he knew that he was the only person he could trust as much as his mother and concubine. Therefore, he put down the prince's airs, asked the driver to stop, and asked Jin Zhong to get in the car.

Jin Zhong didn't refuse, or even showed any humility. With a single click of his foot, he flew up, directly to the car.

It seems that Jin Zhong's Qinggong is first-rate, at least none of the hidden guards in the Prince's Mansion can compare with him.

"Where does the prince want to go?"

After Jin Zhong sat down, he hugged his shoulders and looked at the angry-looking prince intently, his face as calm as a mountain.

"Enter the palace and ask my father to argue!" Nangong Shi said angrily.

"Oh? Prince, do you have any evidence that the imperial concubine did not poison Yan Meiren?"


"Do you have the confidence to convince the emperor?"


"Has Your Highness ever thought about the consequences of looking for the Emperor?"


Jin Zhong snorted and sneered, "Your Highness is so courageous. He dares to enter the palace rashly without any confidence. Are you going to help the empress or harm her?"

Although the prince didn't like Jin Zhong's attitude, what he said was indeed reasonable, so he lowered his head and remained silent.

"Prince, go back. Your road ahead will definitely be difficult. We have to plan it carefully!"

Although Nangong Shi was impulsive, he was not completely irrational. At this moment, he had woken up from Jin Zhong's advice, and he obeyed Jin Zhong's advice and asked the coachman to turn the car around and go back to the Prince's Mansion.


After dinner, Caiwei originally planned to go to the street, close several of her own shops, and then bring Chunliu, Chaoyun and Sister-in-law Liu back to Prince Qin's Mansion, but Wen'er and Wu'er pulled her away. Her hand was reluctant to let her go, so Caiwei had no choice but to play with the two of them.

It's embarrassing to say that since she traveled here, Caiwei has either been busy making money or helping Nangong Yi conquer the world. She rarely has time to play with the two little guys. Both of them have great feelings for her sister. Deeply, especially after Mayfair was kidnapped, they subconsciously cherished her, the only remaining sister, even more.

Wen'er and Wu'er have very different personalities. Wen'er likes to pretend to be young and mature, and do things that adults do, such as practicing martial arts and playing chess, while Er Wu'er maintains the nature of a child, being silly and cute. , likes to play some childish games, such as kicking shuttlecock, catching butterflies and so on.

In order to play with two little ones at the same time, so that both of them can have fun, Caiwei decided to tell them stories, stories from her time, such as: Miffy Rabbit, SpongeBob SquarePants wait……

The two little guys listened very carefully, and both became very interested in the magical stories and the characters in them. They asked some questions from time to time while listening.

"Sister, does Miffy the rabbit also want us to walk on two feet like this?"

"Yes, and they are dressed like this!"

"Wouldn't SpongeBob drown if he talked in the water?"

"No, it is a creature in the sea itself..."

In order to let the two little children have a deeper understanding of these animated characters, Caiwei specially found paper and pen, drew the images of Spongebob and Miffy, and dyed them with color. Unexpectedly, the two little kids loved these two paintings so much that they couldn't put them down, and even asked their sister to draw more pictures for them.

Du Shi had nothing to do, so she sat on the back of the beauty outside and sewed clothes for the child in her belly. When she saw Miffy painted by Caiwei, she was immediately fascinated by Miffy's cute and cute image. Then Miffy will be used as a flower and embroidered on the newborn's bellyband.

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