Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 908 Dafang enters Beijing (5)

Hey, forget it, we’ll find out tomorrow if she’s bragging! Situ rubbed his brows and found that his employer had already left when he was stunned...

After a while, the glass she produced in Lingbei will be put on the market. At that time, the streets will be empty and people will rush to buy the ones with high prices. Therefore, she must find a shop with a spacious front to avoid being attracted by enthusiastic people. The citizens were overwhelmed.

The streets of the capital were as bustling as ever, with crowds of people flowing into the bustling streets. Various shops on both sides were lined up next to each other. Caiwei walked on the streets, looking around, and spent a day walking in some of the busiest commercial streets. , but couldn’t find a suitable shop!

There were a few shops that offered cash out, but those shops were either not big enough or were in remote locations, far from what she had imagined. From morning to evening, she still couldn't find the shop she liked. Caiwei felt a little bit Frustrated.

The sun was turning west, and Caiwei was tired from walking. She was planning to find a teahouse to drink some tea, when she suddenly saw a group of people walking across the street.

The leader was an old man in his sixties or seventies, with a wrinkled old face, looking around like Grandma Liu when she entered the Grand View Garden. Next to him, followed by an old woman with goose-skinned yellow face and a country woman's hair. His hair was in a bun and he was dressed in rags. He was supported by his daughter-in-law, scolding him as he walked.

"Let me see, their family may not be able to make a living in the same way they did before. His eldest daughter is married to a rich man, and their family must go out to eat and drink hot food. How can they work so hard to open a shop? ?"

"Shut up, what do you know? Although that little bitch is with a rich man, in the end he is just his plaything. He will never take care of his wife for her, so the second child and his family still have to We are in the same business - selling kebabs, as long as we find a place that sells kebabs, we will definitely find them!"

Mu Zhongli said: "Mom, my father is right, let's find out where there is a place selling kebabs in the capital. If we find this place selling kebabs, we will definitely find the second child." "

Li said worriedly: "Master, can the second son's family take us in? Just kick us out if you don't come back!"

"He dares? This is the emperor's feet. If he dares to be unfilial, I will go to the palace to complain!"

Muliankui blew his beard and stared. When he thought about how badly his family had been harmed by Mu Caiwei, he wished he could go to his son immediately and beat this unfilial son with his own hands.

He made up his mind that he would find them now. He would no longer indulge the second child's family. He had to show the momentum of the head of the family. If the second child's family dared to disobey him, he would go to the palace to sue. He ordered the emperor to revoke his reputation as a scholar, send those bitches to prison, and beat them to death with sticks!

"Yes, your father is right. In today's world, filial piety governs the world. If the second son dares to forget his roots, we, the old couple, will go to the palace to file a complaint. We will make sure that he is taught a lesson, and that the untiring and unfilial mother-in-law and the snake and scorpion must be brought to justice. My heartless daughter needs to be put in jail!"

Mu Bai said viciously, as if he was not talking about his granddaughter-in-law, but the enemy he had formed for eight lifetimes!

Caiwei was wearing a hat curtain, so she was not discovered by Dafang's family, but Caiwei actually saw them and heard what they said, and couldn't help but laugh at their shamelessness.

This family is really invincible. Xiaoqiang actually rushed to the capital from Qingyun Town, which is thousands of miles away, and he came with the intention of dealing with their family. He was so lucky to be bumped into by her. If he had If Dad encounters them, he might not be able to get rid of them. After all, Mu Liankui and Mu Bai are Dad's biological parents, and Dad is deeply bound by feudal principles and etiquette, and has his own set of ethics and morals. In an era where filial piety is the criterion for measuring people's moral standards, there are really not many people who dare to kick their parents out of the house. She doesn't think her father has the courage!

"Hey, stop talking, go and find out, so that we can find my second uncle as soon as possible. Our money was all spent yesterday. If we don't find our second uncle, we will starve to death!"

Mu Chongfu was anxious. He was much thinner than before. The huge face as big as a child's butt had turned into a standard pig kidney face, and all the fat was gone. He looked like he couldn't bear the hunger, and he was looking around everywhere with a sly look.

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