Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 909 Death of Concubine Jin (1)

Caiwei looked at the clown-like family with cold eyes, and sneered in her heart. She thought of playing tricks on her family, and wanted to complain to the emperor to see if they would survive! She lifted the hat curtain on her head and walked slowly towards the family.

"Everyone, long time no see. Everyone seems to be alive and well!"

"Ah, little bitch... uh... Mu Cai... Cai Wei..."

When they suddenly saw Caiwei, Dafang and his family were all shocked. In the past few months, this dead girl in front of them had caused them too much loss. The house was destroyed, and the land was taken away by Mrs. Lu. The family The son's life was almost lost in her hands, so when they saw her, the psychology of Dafang's family was extremely complicated.

I want to kill her to vent my anger, but I'm also afraid of her strength, so you glare at me and I glare at you, not knowing how to deal with it!

Caiwei stood in front of Mu Liankui and smiled darkly: "Old man, Bianzhou is more than a thousand miles away from the capital. You must have suffered a lot along the way!"

"Uh.... Hi! That's not what happened!"

Muliankui was very afraid of Caiwei, so he didn't dare to use the condescending attitude he planned to use on his son-in-law. He could only be soft and pretend to be pitiful towards this little hoof.

"Grandpa worked his way up here by doing odd jobs for other people while making ends meet, and he often went hungry!"

What the old man said was true. In order to go to Beijing and join Mu Zhongqing, the family had to endure a lot of hardships. In addition to working as part-time workers on the road, they also did a lot of things like chickens and dogs and thieves. But they were lucky that they were finally safe. Arrive at the capital!

Mu Bai also didn't dare to provoke Caiwei. Seeing the old man being humble in front of Caiwei, she also came forward and said bitterly: "Weier, grandma is very tired, can you send us off first?" Go to your house and let's sit and talk slowly."

Caiwei sneered, what a beautiful thought! First go to her house, and then show off your elders' style to suppress her parents, and do whatever you want in her house. If you feel dissatisfied at all, you will go out to sue and ruin your father's reputation. Is this really a good plan?

Caiwei laughed, folded her arms and said, "I'm so sorry. My family is no longer in the capital. You guys are late!"

"How can that be possible?"

How could Mu Bai believe that she knew her son's family was in the capital, but Mu Caiwei, a little bitch, didn't want her to see her son.

"Weier, grandma knows that I was sorry for you in the past and did a lot of things that made you look down on me. Now grandma and your uncle's family have realized that she was wrong. Can you consider that we are blood relatives?" Come on, give us a hand, we are really at the end of our rope, look at how thin your two cousins ​​have become."

Following Mu Bai's withered fingers, Caiwei saw Mu Chongcai and Mu Chongfu, who were in ragged clothes and in a state of desolation. The two brothers had indeed lost weight, with hunched shoulders and sallow faces, but they looked similar to them. When she first crossed over, her family members had similar expressions. Mu Zhongli and Li also lost weight, were ragged and haggard, and looked similar to beggars.

"Haha, Wei'er, uncle also admits his mistake to you. Just be a grown-up and stop hating uncle and his family, okay?"

"Yes, Weier, we are a family after all. No matter how you say it, you can't write the word 'Mu' twice in one stroke, right..."

Mu Zhongli and Li also came to persuade Caiwei with saliva, hoping that Caiwei would give them a hand.

To be honest, if what they had just said in private was what they were saying now, Caiwei might actually be able to help them. After all, she is the descendant of Fuyou Island and always puts kindness first. Unfortunately, she heard What's more, those words are destined to prevent her from being such a good person!

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