Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 912 Death of Concubine Jin (4)

With that said, he took Caiwei's hand and walked deeper into the flower room.  Walking around a patchwork of freesias of various colors, and among a large patch of poinsettia flowers, there is a small stone table, with sumptuous wine, vegetables, fruits and vegetables placed on the stone table.

Nangong Yi pulled Caiwei to sit down at the table and said, "Come on, madam, to celebrate our wish that we are about to achieve, let's have a few drinks tonight!"

With that said, he personally held the jade pot and poured wine for Caiwei.

The mellow and sweet Huadiao wine tasted really good. Caiwei and Nangong Yi clinked their glasses and drank it happily.

At this time, Caiwei's mood was extremely complicated. She initially helped the man to save him from being persecuted by Concubine Jin and her son. She never thought of letting him be the prince. If he became the prince, he would be the future emperor. When he becomes emperor, can he really marry only her for the rest of his life, as he said? His desire is so strong, when she is pregnant, or when she is old and lusty, will he still treat her like that?

Or maybe, he can do all these, but what about Queen Mo? Will she allow her son to marry only one woman in his life? Those ministers with big eyes and big hearts will definitely try their best to send their talented and beautiful daughters to the palace. Those palace ladies who are a little bit pretty will also find ways to crawl into bed. She really wants to be with a group of women in the harem. Steal a man?

"Madam, what are you thinking about? Hurry up and eat some food."

Nangong Yi dotingly put a roasted chicken drumstick on her plate, and said nagging: "After finishing this meal, we will leave the capital and go back to the military camp. You must eat well, otherwise you will have to eat a lot during the night." You'll be hungry on the way."

"Are you leaving tonight?"

When she mentioned leaving, Caiwei remembered that Dafang's family hadn't dealt with it yet. She really couldn't leave tonight. If she left and Dafang's family stayed in Beijing and did something bad, it would be too late for her to regret it. No, Can't go!

"Yi, you can go alone tonight, I can't go until the day after tomorrow!"

When Nangong Yi heard this, he was unhappy: "Madam, can you bear to leave your husband?"

Caiwei rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "It's not a separation of life and death, it's just two days away. What's the matter with you?"

"As for my husband, I don't want to be separated from you for a day!" Nangong Yi said willfully.

Seeing him reluctant to leave, Caiwei couldn't help but soften her heart. She comforted him in a soft voice and said, "I really have something important to do. Just go back to the camp and wait for me." When I finish my work, I will go back and meet you!"

The woman had told him so gently, and it was hard for him to persist. If he pretended to be too strong, it would be no joke to annoy her.

So, after a quick meal and wine, he hugged her, pressed her among the flowers and caressed her hard, as if he wanted to make up for the regret of not being able to see her or touch her for the next two days. It made her panting and her green color turned red, and then she stopped!

After the incident, it was almost the second watch. Caiwei blushed and called the white-haired tiger out of the space, letting it carry the man and sending him back to the camp.

Although Nangong Yi was deeply reluctant to leave, business matters were more important, so he had no choice but to bear the pain and bid farewell to his little wife, and rode away on a tiger...

After the man left, Caiwei flashed into the space, took advantage of the parrot's absence, and ran to the hot spring to wash herself carefully. After washing, she went to the woods to dig some ginseng, left it in the greenhouse, and then hurried back to her home. Zhong Cuiyuan went to bed. As for the meat and wine mentioned by Dafang’s family, haha, I’m so sorry. Caiwei had long forgotten to go to Java...

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