Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 913 Death of Concubine Jin (5)

next day

As soon as Caiwei got up, she received a message from the parrot.

"Master, Concubine Jin is dead. The doctors from the imperial hospital and the ladies in the palace are all guarding Sijin Palace! The emperor is crying like a tearful person!"

"Oh, it seems that the emperor is sincere to her, but it is of no use."

Caiwei sat in front of the dressing table, looking at the bronze mirror, holding the grate head, and she was in a great mood!


The parrot cried out, "It seemed like I had regained my consciousness just now, and even said a word to the emperor!"

"What did you say?"

Caiwei put down the grate and her face turned serious. She knew the status of Concubine Jin in the emperor's heart, and she also knew how much influence Concubine Jin's words before her death had on the emperor. Therefore, she had to care about Concubine Jin's last words. .

Parrot said: "Master, her voice was too soft, I didn't hear it, but the emperor nodded... Ah, he's dead!"

"Is Concubine Jin dead?" Caiwei asked nervously.

"Yes, Master, she just died!"

"Oh, okay, okay, she's finally dead!" Caiwei was relieved. This cruel woman who wanted to kill her whole family was finally dead. Although she didn't have the chance to kill her, she still died on her own. In hand, there is nothing to regret.

Caiwei is in a good mood!

The ladies in the palace are also in a good mood!

The most prosperous Concubine Jin finally died, and the ladies in the palaces felt that their spring had come!

In the more than twenty years that Concubine Jin has been here, she has been the only favorite in the harem, and she has been favored by three thousand people. Although the ladies in the harem have status, they rarely get to touch the emperor's rain and dew. Many concubines with high status She is still a virgin, and Concubine Jin is very cautious. She does not allow the emperor to get close to concubines of high birth, and she does not allow concubines of high birth to give birth to children. However, those concubines who give birth to children with low status, because their birth status is too low, most of the children will be As a result, there were always complaints in the harem, and everyone wished that the instigator, Concubine Jin, would die!

When she died, all the concubines in the harem were overjoyed, but in front of the emperor, they had to pretend to be devastated. Who made the emperor care about Concubine Jin?

At this moment, Emperor Jin Ming cried so hard that he almost fainted. He held the body of Concubine Jin and cried bitterly while blaming his faults.

"Yun'er, I can't help you. I shouldn't have hurt your heart because of my brother and my wife. I killed you. I regret it so much..."

"Yun'er, please open your eyes and look at me. As long as you live, I will rely on you for anything. I don't want anyone but you as a woman, okay..."

The ladies in all the palaces were heartbroken after hearing the emperor's words. However, when Concubine Jin died, no one had the heart to give up. Therefore, everyone surrounded the emperor, each one crying more miserably than the other one. Better looking than one crying.

Prince Nangong Shi obeyed Jin Zhong's instructions and cried until his heart broke. He almost cried to death. While crying, he said shamelessly: "Mother, concubine, please take your son with you. He is disabled and can't live." It’s not interesting anymore, it’s better to go with the mother and concubine, and save yourself from being in despair in the future. The mother and concubine will be worried when she looks at it in the sky..."

After hearing this, Emperor Jin Ming felt even more distressed and breathless. He scolded: "You bastard, your mother and concubine's body is not cold yet. You just talk about what is there and what is not. Are you sincerely trying to make her unable to close her eyes?" "

The prince cried: "Father, please forgive me. I just expressed my feelings. I never wanted to disturb the soul of my mother and concubine!"

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