Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 914 Death of Concubine Jin (6)

Emperor Ming of Jin shouted: "Why are you so inspired? You are my personally crowned prince, the crown prince of the Jin Kingdom, how could you be in such a state of desolation? What nonsense are you talking about, why don't you just come over and apologize to your mother and concubine?"

When the prince heard this, he hurriedly walked to Concubine Jin's bed, kowtowed to Concubine Jin's body, and apologized with tears in his eyes, but he was already happy in his heart. His father's words were enough to explain a problem—— The emperor has no plans to store it easily!

Concubine Jin died, and Emperor Jin Ming was greatly shocked. Before Concubine Jin could pretend to be buried, he fell ill!

Concubine Yao De arranged for the concubines in the palace to take turns serving the emperor according to their status. The concubines in the palace were very grateful to Concubine Yao De and planned to take advantage of their time to serve the emperor and leave a deep impression on the emperor so that they could compete for favor in the future. carry.

Let us say that Caiwei was in a good mood after learning that Concubine Jin was dead. After breakfast, she took Chaoyun, Chunliu and Sister-in-law Liu to the greenhouse. Yesterday, she left dozens of trees in the greenhouse. Ginseng, ranging from century-old ginseng to ten-year-old ginseng, are all top-grade ginseng. Today, she will send all these ginseng to her ginseng shop to keep them to strengthen her ginseng shop!

When Situ Changge saw the ginseng sent by Caiwei, he was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out of his sockets. He picked up the century-old ginsengs one after another and looked at them carefully. When he saw that they were all high-quality When I saw the excellent pure wild ginseng, I was shocked again.

"Master, these are all..."

"I bought it in the north. The supply is very sufficient. Just sell it. Our Mu family will never run out of stock!"


Shopkeeper Situ agreed respectfully and looked at Caiwei with a little more awe. This new owner seemed to have more connections than the previous owner. There were more than twenty century-old ginseng trees, just like a joke. Take it out. I'm afraid the palace won't be able to get so much of these century-old ginseng at once!

After delivering the ginseng, Caiwei calmly left with Chaoyun, Chunliu and Sister-in-law Liu under the complicated gaze of shopkeeper Situ, and went to the street to look for a glass shop.

Walking on the bustling street, Caiwei was concentrating on looking for a suitable shop. Suddenly she saw a circle of people in front of her, densely surrounding them. She didn't know what they were watching.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Caiwei led the maids and women and walked over curiously. Before she could get there, she heard a burst of cheers from the crowd.


The voice sounded like a busker I had seen on TV in my previous life.

She walked through the crowd and, sure enough, in the center of the crowd, there were two tall, round-waisted men. One of them was lying on the ground with a large rectangular stone split in two on his chest, while the other was holding a large rectangular stone. Standing next to him with a sledgehammer, looking at his posture, he had just finished a performance of breaking a large rock in his chest.

Caiwei has seen this kind of trick in her own world, and it is nothing unusual. Although the big stone and the big hammer look very domineering, in fact, because the mass of the stone is very large, the inertia will be very large, so , the hammer hits it very quickly. Due to the inertia, the acceleration of the stone is very small, so it will not produce huge pressure on the person, so that the person will not be hurt.

Caiwei was not interested in watching this kind of trick, and was about to pull away when she saw the man lying on the ground also stood up. The two of them were holding plates, asking for rewards along the wall, and greeting everyone with fists.

"Dear elders, our brothers are from Lin'an Prefecture. My elder brother works as a nursing home for a local squire, Li Tieji. However, the granary of Li Tieji's family was stolen overnight and not a single grain was left. Li Tieji and his son falsely accused him of being my brother. Together with the bandits, they stole his family's grain and rice, and sent my brother to prison and beat him half to death. My brother couldn't survive the beatings, so he had to give in and was sentenced to be beheaded in the autumn. Because our brother was wronged, he came to Beijing to complain and paid for his money. I have no choice but to come out to perform and ask all the elders who have money to support me, and those who have no money to support me. We brothers will thank you again..."

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