Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 915 Death of Concubine Jin (7)

Caiwei's footsteps paused!

It’s said that I didn’t kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. She only wanted to help Nangong Yi raise food and stole Li Tieji’s food, but she never thought that she would implicate an innocent nurse. She had to pay this debt. return.

Caiwei called Sister-in-law Liu and whispered a few words to her. She, Chao Yun and Chun Liu squeezed out of the crowd and walked to a teahouse on the street.

When the waiter at the teahouse saw the guests arriving, he welcomed them in enthusiastically. Caiwei asked for a private room upstairs, and after entering, she sat inside and waited. Not long after, Sister-in-law Liu came in with the two men. The two men were about in their early twenties. They looked strong and strong, but they didn't know what their skills were.

"Miss, I wonder why you called our brothers here?"

A man held his fists in his hands and saluted Caiwei in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

Caiwei raised her hand: "Sit down, let's talk slowly."

The two men sat down calmly and said, "What do you think, Miss?"

Caiwei said: "I will solve your brother's matter. Within a month, I will ensure that your brother is thrown out of jail! How about it?"

The two men looked at each other, doubtful. One of them asked: "Why do you want to help us, young lady? How can we brothers repay you?"

Caiweixin said, 'I was the cause of this matter originally. It was reasonable to save your brother at that time. Why do you need to repay me? ’

However, this cannot be said.

She thought for a while and said: "I think you two have extraordinary skills, so I would like to ask you to help me escort something. From Lingbei to the capital, for each escort trip, I will give you brothers five hundred taels of silver, plus help for you." What do you think of rescuing your brother?"

When the two men heard this, they immediately knelt down and said with cupped hands: "If Miss can save our brother, our brothers are willing to follow Miss till death, but Miss will always follow her lead."

Caiwei smiled and said: "It's easy to talk, easy to talk! Please get up and talk. By the way, I don't know what to call you. How old are you? Do you have a family? If you run darts for me all the year round, will it affect the peace of your family?" "

A man said: "To my lady, the villain Sun Hu is twenty-one years old this year. Although he is married, his wife thought my family was poor and ran away, so the villain is still alone and has no family." "

Another said: "The villain Sun Bao is nineteen years old this year. He is the third eldest child in the family. Because his family is poor, he cannot afford a wife. He is still unmarried. If he can work as an escort for two years, he can save some money to marry a housewife. It’s also great!”

"Great, let's make a deal now. You brothers will stay at the 'Qin'an Inn' for the time being. If anything happens, you can go to Prince Qin's Mansion to find me."

At this moment, Caiwei was extremely happy. The two brothers had no family ties and could help her serve as escorts for two years, helping her transport glass, ginseng, etc.

In fact, she had space and a white-haired tiger, so she didn't need her brothers to escort her. They were just using her as a tool to hide her from others.

Every once in a while, she will go to Lingbei to pick up glass. When the time comes, the glass will be stored in the space. No matter how much there is, it can be safely transported back to the capital overnight without breaking a piece.

However, if her glass shop does not deliver glass, she would have to sell it on a large scale, which would inevitably attract people's attention. Therefore, let the brothers be the covert escorts. As for how much glass they can transport. , it doesn’t matter if the glass is broken during transportation!

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