Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 916 Death of Concubine Jin (8)

There is also ginseng. Her ginseng shop will soon become the largest ginseng shop in the Jin Dynasty. If there is no purchase channel, selling so many good ginseng out of thin air will attract people's attention. Therefore, she has to show off. She bought some cheap small ginseng in the Lingbei area. Anyway, no one would be bored enough to verify what kind of ginseng she had collected in Lingbei. Even if she went there, there was no way to verify it. Therefore, she went to the ginseng shop with a century-old history. They all say that it would be great if they came to Lingbei!

The two brothers Sun Hu and Sun Bao were a little confused when they heard Caiwei said that they should go to the Prince of Qin's Mansion to find her. The Prince of Qin's Mansion was an unattainable place, a place that ordinary people like them would never dare to go.

"Miss, you are..."

"You two don't have to worry about our master's identity, just do what you are supposed to do!"

Chao Yun took out a piece of silver worth ten taels and handed it into Sun Hu's hands. "You can use this money as payment. When you are needed, the master will send someone to Qin'an Inn to look for you."


The two brothers bowed their hands and bowed out respectfully. Both of them felt that they were lucky enough to meet someone noble. Looking at the lady's magnificence, she must be someone of great value. She might be Princess Qin!

After sending the Sun brothers away, Caiwei took a few people on a long journey to find a shop. It was almost noon now, and the weather was getting hotter. Caiwei shook her fan and walked leisurely on the street. , when passing by the "Jufu" restaurant, Caiwei felt a little hungry, so she waved her fan, "Come on, miss, I'll invite you to the restaurant!"

Jufude is worthy of being the number one restaurant in the Jin Dynasty, and the business is always so good. Caiwei took Chaoyun and others upstairs, went straight to the private room, and passed by a gorgeously decorated private room. The door suddenly opened, and a beautifully dressed woman came out waving her fan, followed by two maids.

When the woman walked up to Chao Yun, she glared at Chao Yun with disgust and said viciously: "Where did this ugly ghost come from? He should be hiding at home when he looks like this, but he dares to come out and show off. How shameless." "

Just when the woman opened the door, Caiwei glanced into the room where the woman came out and saw some young noblemen changing cups and cups, and also saw several women with heavy makeup sitting on them and laughing. It was obvious that this woman was just a prostitute. Such people, otherwise they wouldn’t be so frivolous.

She stopped and looked at Chao Yun and the woman coldly, wondering how Chao Yun would respond.

Unexpectedly, Chao Yunjing seemed not to hear, and continued walking her way without even moving an eyebrow.

Chunliu was young and couldn't hold back her anger. Moreover, she admired Chaoyun very much. Seeing that Chaoyun was angry, she couldn't help it anymore and muttered angrily: "So what if I'm ugly? It's better than selling out as a singer." Just be a laughing fan!"

When the gorgeous woman heard this, she became furious and pointed at Chunliu and shouted: "Little whore, which one are you referring to?"

Chun Liu put her hands on her hips and said angrily: "That fan admitted it, that's who he is."

After hearing this, the woman was so angry that her eyebrows stood up. She hit the maids next to her with two slaps and slapped them on the ears. She cursed: "You bitches who have lost their virginity, haven't you seen me being bullied?" Why don't you go and tear that bitch's mouth apart for me, and why don't you wait for me to do it myself?"

The two maids were beaten so dizzy that they quickly rolled up their sleeves and rushed over.

Upon seeing this, Sister-in-law Liu rolled up her sleeves and rushed over, as if she wanted to fight with them. Chaoyun pulled Chunliu behind her, looked at the two maids rushing over with a sullen face, and clenched her fists.

After the two maids rushed over, they reached out to grab Chunliu behind Chaoyun, but they were stopped by Sister-in-law Liu and Chaoyun. The four women struggled together. Sister-in-law Liu was a strong woman, of course. He could fight more than the little maid. Although Chaoyun was not good at fighting, Chunliu went up to help aggressively. Two of them hit one, and naturally the maid was unable to fight back.

When the waiter saw the fight started, he hurriedly tried to persuade both sides to make peace, but he did not dare to reach out to start a fight, because this was his daughter's house, and it would be bad if he was picked on.

The diners passing by saw the women fighting and rushed over to watch with smiles. Even the young men in the gorgeous woman's room were alarmed and came out to watch the fun.

These young masters all wore extremely elegant clothes, and most of the accessories they wore were precious gems and the like. All in all, they were no worse than what Nangong Yi wore. One of them, she recognized, was Mr. Ji who had teased Fei'er here last time.

When the woman saw the gold master coming, she immediately threw herself into Master Ji's arms and said tremblingly: "Master Ji, they bullied the slave family and beat their maids. The slave family is so scared..."

Mr. Ji didn't bother to care about the fight at the woman's house. He waved his fan and laughed loudly: "Fight, fight hard. Whoever wins, I will reward her with a hundred taels of silver."

As he said that, he also ordered the few bitch maids who came out with them, "You guys, go up and beat them too. That's all for that little girl. Go beat that ugly girl and that mother-in-law. Beat them to death." ."

When several girls heard this, they swarmed forward, wanting to grab Chao Yun and Sister Liu and beat them up.

Caiwei took a quick step and pulled Chao Yun back behind her. While retreating, she said to the young masters: "I heard that Concubine Jin passed away this morning. It's rare that these young masters are still in the mood to drink and have sex. Could it be that these young masters are still in the mood to drink and have sex?" Aren't you afraid that it will reach the ears of the Emperor and cause His dissatisfaction?"

While they were talking, the maids had already rushed in front of Caiwei and were about to hit her. At this time, a cold shout suddenly came: "Stop!"

Master Ji turned around, looked at the other master who was shaking the fan, and said, "Brother Li, are you afraid? Don't worry, I will take care of everything. Let's just have fun."

The young master known as Brother Li said: "Brother Ji, let's forget it. Let's go back and drink!"

Mr. Ji was unhappy and shouted: "Hey, Brother Li, you are still the eldest son of the General's Mansion. A yellow-haired girl can scare you with just a few casual words. Are you ashamed?" Are you ashamed?"

After finishing speaking, he shouted to the maids: "Why did you stop? Keep beating, even that bitch with the gauze hat. See if she still dares to speak alarmist, I will beat you today." She's looking all over the place!"

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