Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 917 Treasure Pavilion (1)

Seeing a group of aggressive maids about to attack Caiwei, Chunliu Chaoyun and Sister-in-law Liu were very anxious. They wanted to come over to help her, but they were both pulled tightly and could not escape at all. They were getting angry in anger, but they saw their master Suddenly he took out a handful of powdered medicine from his arms and sprinkled it into the air. The group of aggressive maids all paused. After a moment, they all burst into laughter. They were laughing so hard that they couldn't restrain themselves. They didn't even bother to hit anyone. .

Caiwei walked calmly out from among the laughing maids, walked to the prostitute who was making trouble, and suddenly raised her hand and threw out another handful of powder. After a moment, the dressed-up prostitute was covered in imageless clothes. When she scratched, it felt as if there were tens of thousands of fleas crawling on her body. She was so itchy that she screamed...

Mr. Ji was dumbfounded, and the noble gentlemen around him were also dumbfounded. Who is this woman wearing a gauze hat? How could there be such evil medicine?

"This is a medicine that can make people go crazy. I also have a medicine that can make people perform live erotic performances in public. Do you want to try them one by one?"

Caiwei walked in front of the young masters, stretched out one of her jade fists in front of them, and spoke in a tone as cold as ice.

Several noble gentlemen were shocked by Caiwei's cold tone and mysterious medicinal powder. No one dared to say a word. Even Young Master Ji remained silent, huddled and kept retreating.

Caiwei sneered: "What? Are you scared? Weren't you very arrogant just now? Hehe, as a royal nobleman, you don't care about the suffering of the people, but during the period of national filial piety, you drink alcohol, engage in prostitution, and bully good people. Just wait for me. This The matter will definitely reach the ears of the emperor, Chaoyun, let’s go!”

Chaoyun, Chunliu, and Sister-in-law Liu shook off the maids who were pestering them, and followed Caiwei downstairs. The few maids who were lucky enough not to be drugged dared to stop them, but they saw those who were drugged. She almost ran out of breath from laughing and lay on the ground rolling around. Miss Chuntao was even worse. She stripped herself naked and was scratched all over her body. Her snow-white body was scratched until it was as bloody as a gourd. It was very scary, so she had to Watching them go.

"What bad luck. Every time I come here, there must be trouble!" Caiwei muttered fiercely.

Chunliu said timidly: "Miss, it's all my fault that I didn't suppress my temper for a while and caused you trouble."

"It's not your fault at all. If someone bullies us, it's right to fight back. But Chaoyun, why did you let that woman scold you but didn't fight back?"

Chao Yun smiled faintly: "Miss, if a person is bitten by a dog, is it possible that the person will bite him back? In Chao Yun's heart, there is not much difference between that woman and a dog. This kind of person is not worth the trouble, let alone It's not worth getting angry with her."

Caiwei nodded and said approvingly: "I didn't expect you to be so open-minded and have such unique insights at such a young age. It seems that I still have to learn more from you."

Chao Yun smiled and said: "Miss, please don't imitate me. I have no choice but to beat the mad dog, so I have to avoid her and ignore her. If I could beat her, I would have beaten her to pieces. Then I will also allow her to bite me."

"Hey, it turns out that Chao Yun can also take advantage of the situation and decide what to do!"

Caiwei laughed jokingly, Chao Yun also laughed, and Sister-in-law Liu added with a smile: "Hey, Miss, you were so majestic just now. Look, you scared those dandy young men so much that they didn't even dare to let out a fart, and That Young Master Ji, his head almost shrank into his shell!"

A few people were talking and laughing as they entered a decent-looking restaurant. After shopping all morning, everyone was already hungry, so Caiwei made up her mind to have a delicious meal!

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